Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse

CNCS-OIG operates a Fraud Hotline to provide an opportunity for concerned citizens, program participants, employees of CNCS grant recipients, program members and volunteers, and others to report instances of fraud, waste, abuse of authority, and mismanagement.

The CNCS-OIG Hotline telephone number is 1-800-452-8210. Reports may also be made via e-mail by Clicking Here .

Federal employees have the option of reporting waste, fraud and abuse to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). For a greater understanding of Protected Disclosures, please visit the Office of Special Counsel website at


We are very interested in obtaining any information you may have regarding fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement or misconduct in Corporation programs or operations.
You should provide us with as much detailed information as possible.  The more information and relevant documents that you provide, the better opportunity that we have to investigate the facts and determine if any wrongdoing has occurred.
After receipt of a complaint from an employee, we will not disclose your identity unless we have your consent or unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of an investigation.
No, you do not have to provide your name, but if you do provide your name you can request that your identity is kept confidential.  Whether or not you choose to provide your name, it is recommended that you provide a way to contact you (phone number/email) because we may need additional information before we can investigate your complaint.
We will promptly review the information in your complaint and determine if it warrants further action.  If so, we may open an investigation or audit, refer the matter to the Corporation or to another Federal or state agency.
If you provide us with an email or phone number, we will reach out to you shortly after we received your complaint to obtain additional information.  We may also have some follow-up questions or need additional information in the future, so it is recommended you provide us with a way to contact you.
You must understand that the decision on what we do with the information you provide rests exclusively with us.  While we carefully and seriously consider all Hotline communications, we must determine if there is sufficient indication of wrongdoing which we conclude warrants action, in which case, we will commence an audit and/or an investigation.