18-11, Agreed-Upon Procedures for the Corporation for National and Community Service Grants Awarded to New Mexico Commission for Community Volunteerism

18-11, Agreed-Upon Procedures for the Corporation for National and Community Service Grants Awarded to New Mexico Commission for Community Volunteerism

An agreed-upon procedures (AUP) review of AmeriCorps grant funds to the New Mexico Commission for Community Volunteerism (NMCCV) and two subgrantees during the period of January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2017, identified questioned Federal costs totaling $29,627 and matching costs of $121,996, as well as compliance findings. In addition to the AmeriCorps grants, NMCCV also received a Corporation Training and Technical Assistance grant to provide training and assistance to NMCCV and subgrantee staff.  The majority of the questioned costs were caused by deficiencies in subgrantees’ financial management systems and non-compliance with member living allowance requirements.

NMCCV concurred with most of the findings and recommendations, but disagreed on the finding related to member living allowances and requested an extension to determine the reason for the unsupported costs.  The Corporation will resolve the report’s findings and recommendations.