About the Office of Import Surveillance


CPSC’s Office of Import Surveillance (EXIS) works closely with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to identify and examine imported shipments of consumer products. As part of this effort, EXIS has co-located investigators at ports of entry who work side-by-side with CBP staff. EXIS also works to educate importers, manufacturers, and Customs brokers on CPSC’s standards and procedures.

Director: James Joholske, jjoholske@cpsc.gov, 301-504-7527

Deputy Director: Sabrina Keller, skeller@cpsc.gov, 301-504-7697

Latest Import Surveillance News

12/3/17: EXIS Participates in the Florida Customs Brokers and Forwarders (FCBF) Second Annual Conference of the Americas

10/23/17: EXIS Participates in the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ) Annual Conference

10/18/17: EXIS Participates in a United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Roundtable

10/4/17: EXIS Participates in the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) Annual Meeting

9/18/17: EXIS Participates in the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) Product Responsibility Summit

6/22/17: EXIS Participates in the American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI) Annual Conference in Austin, TX

4/26/17: eFiling Alpha Pilot Assessment

4/4/17: EXIS Participates in the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA) Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA

2/7/17: Toys with Lead Seized in Charleston

1/26/17: EXIS Meets with eFiling Alpha Pilot Participants

12/1/16: EXIS Participates in CPSC’s Children’s Sleepwear Seminar

11/8/16: CPSC and Department of Homeland Security Stop Millions of Dangerous Products from Reaching U.S. Homes

10/6/15: Guess What the Government Has Been Doing at the Ports to Make Your Home Safer?

Violations and Letters of Advice

CPSC issues Letters of Advice when there is a violation of a mandatory standard. These letters advise companies of the violation and of the nature of the necessary corrective action, which may include a recall, stop sale, or correction of production.

View the Letters of Advice

eFiling Alpha Pilot Assessment

CPSC created the eFiling Alpha Pilot to support the strategic objective of increasing the Commission’s import targeting capabilities.

eFiling Certificate of Compliance Assessment

Frequently Asked Import Questions

CPSC Detention of Products at Import

Useful Links

CBP’s Tips for New Importers

CBP’s Guide to Importing into the U.S.

CBP Port Contacts

Importer Self-Assessment Product Safety Handbook, Addendum and Questionnaire

FDA Import Contacts


Overview of CPSC’s Office of Import Surveillance: basic import process, the Risk Assessment Methodology (RAM), coordination with Customs and Border Protection, targeting and enforcement.


Cargo Examination Process: reasons for exam, possible outcomes, field screening, sampling process.