Careers at NCI

The largest of the institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health, NCI is a premier research center that offers research, programmatic support, and training opportunities at its laboratories and offices in Maryland.

Job Postings

USA Jobs is a database of all open recruitments for employment with the federal government

Jobs @ NIH provides employment information and job postings for positions at the National Institutes of Health

The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research employs about 1,900 contractor employees and 800 government employees who work together to advance cancer research and develop new technologies for preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer and AIDS.

Training Opportunities

Rated one of the top institutions for postdocs by The Scientist magazine, NCI supports more than 1,400 researchers who represent the full spectrum of educational levels from prebaccalaureate, postbaccalaureate, and summer students to graduate students, postdoctoral, research, and clinical fellows.

Cancer research training opportunities at NCI

NCI Work Life

There are many benefits to working at NCI, including flexible work and leave options. Find information on NIH amenities, childcare services, and many other benefits at Jobs @ NIH.

Flexible Work Options

Flexible Work Options are valued tools for supporting employee efforts to balance the demands of work and personal life. These approaches involve the use of nontraditional work hours, locations, and/or job structures and flexible work arrangements. 

Telework Program

Teleworking allows you to work somewhere other than your official office. This benefit is subject to terms of an employee-employer agreement as well as management and supervisory discretion.

Compressed Work Schedules

Compressed work schedules to complete your basic 80-hour (biweekly) work requirement in less than 10 working days. There are several types of compressed work schedules; the most common one used at NCI is the 5-4-9, where you work five 9-hour days one week a pay period, four 9-hour days the other week of the pay period, and then have one day off.

Flexible Work Schedules (FWS)

FWS include Flexitour, Gliding Schedule, Variable Day Schedule, and Maxiflex. These are all variations of working hours other than the NIH standard of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Part-Time Work/Job Sharing

The key to achieving family-friendly workplaces in the federal government is to take full advantage of all the personnel flexibilities and resources available. As an employer, the federal government has long recognized the value of part-time employment. Legislation encouraging part-time employment for federal employees has been in place since 1978.

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