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Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection

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“OAWP is committed to helping VA whistleblowers, holding those that have proven to violate the trust of the system accountable and helping to preserve Veteran trust.”

OAWP Commitment

Every Veteran is entitled to know that they are receiving quality service from the Department of Veterans Affairs and when detected, any and all improprieties and misconduct will be investigated and adjudicated.

Referral Process for Resolution

Referral Process for Resolution

For senior leader cases, the Secretary is notified that action is recommended by OAWP. For GS-15 and below cases, OAWP will contact the proposing official with a recommendation. It is the proposing and deciding officials actions to bring resolution.


Have a concern or complaint? Click here »


Read about OAWP's Actions/Disclosures
*Future Accountability Reports are on hold while OAWP transitions to use authoritative VA HR data for all actions with an effective date in 2018.

Accountability Report posted 10/12/2018

Whistleblower Disclosures Summary posted 10/12/2018

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The Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection (OAWP) is a newly created Office within the Department of Veterans Affairs dedicated to improving the needs of Veterans across the United States. On April 27, 2017 the President of the United States established an Executive Order creating the Office to advise and assist the Secretary of Department-wide issues of accountability. OAWP is directed by Kirk Nicholas who provides oversight for the Secretary’s accountability agenda and final review. OAWP manages all internal affairs and has a broad and expansive mission to protect whistleblower rights and recommend discipline and/or termination of employees due to poor performance or misconduct. The Office is headquartered in Washington DC and has satellite resources and programs in VA facilities across the United States. 


The Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection serves to improve the performance and accountability of VA senior executives and employees through thorough, timely and unbiased investigation of all allegations and concerns. Where these actions are found factually true, the Office will provide recommended actions related to the removal, demotion or suspension based on poor performance and/or misconduct. Additionally, OAWP provides the protection of valued VA whistleblowers against retaliation for their disclosures.


OAWP is dedicated and empowered to provide transparency and build public trust and confidence throughout the entire VA system. The Office is committed to preserving the cultural integrity of the Department and conducting balanced, fair and efficient investigation of VA whistleblower and Veteran disclosures, timely remedial resolutions and responsive recommendations.

Questions or Recommendations

If you have any questions or recommendations on how OAWP can improve service for Veterans and employees, please call 855-429-6669 or 202-461-4119.


Email Address: VA Accountability Team
Employee Disclosure Form: OAWP Disclosure Form
*This form is only for use by VA Employees or Applicants for Employment

Monthly Reports

Accountability Reports published after April 1, 2018 use data from official VA HR systems to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the reports. Previous reports were based on information collected manually by HR offices across VA and compiled by OAWP..

Yearly Reports

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