IPAS Commission

IPAS Commission Public Meeting

Friday, November 16, 2018 - 1:30 PM EST
Click here for the agenda.

Public Meeting begins at 1:00 PM ET
Meetings are open to the public and media is welcome.

Location:  Indiana  Disability Rights 
                 4701 N. Keystone Ave., Suite 222
                 Indianapolis, Indiana 46205


IPAS Commission

The Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services (IPAS) Commission is the governing authority of Indiana Disability Rights. The Commission is responsible for assuring adequate legal and advocacy services for the protection, promotion and empowerment of the rights and interests of individuals with disabilities throughout Indiana.

The Commission provides direction and advice on Indiana Disability Rights' activities, goals, and policies.

Federal law requires that the Commission be composed of members who broadly represent or are knowledgeable about the needs of the individuals served by the protection and advocacy system. Membership must include individuals with developmental disabilities who are eligible for services or have received or are receiving services, or parents, family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives of such individuals. In addition, the Chair of the Mental Illness Advisory Council (MIAC) is a member of the Commission.

No more than one-third of the members of the Commission may be appointed by the Governor (42 USCA 6042). The Commission appoints the remaining nine members. Members serve three-year terms and may not serve more than five consecutive terms.

Serving on the IPAS Commission in an advisory, non-voting capacity is one member of the Indiana Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and one member of the Indiana House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Commission Members

Emily Barsic LaPorte County Gubernatorial Appointment
Abhishek "Jay" Chaudhary Marion County Commission Appointment
Representative Dale DeVon, Advisory Member House District 5  Legislative Appointment
Douglas Goeppner Dubois County Commission Appointment
Doris Renee Haack Delaware County Commission Appointment
Senator Jean Leising, Advisory Member Senate District 42 Legislative Appointment
Gary May Warrick County Commission Appointment
 Amber O'Haver Hendricks County Commission Appointment
Dr. Ukamaka Oruche Hamilton County Gubernatorial Appointment
Dana Renay, MIAC Chair Hamilton County Commission Appoinetment
Theresa Willard Hamilton County Gubernatorial Appointment

To contact a commission member
Please send comments to IPAS Commission in care of Executive Director.
Dawn Adams, Executive Director
Indiana Disability Rights
4701 N. Keystone Ave., Suite 222
Indianapolis, IN 46205


Join the Commission
Members must be committed to promoting the legal and civil rights of people with disabilities, and to the cause of protecting those individuals’ rights to make their own choices. If you are interested in joining the IPAS Commission or the Mental Illness Advisory Council (MIAC) please contact Dawn Adams, Executive Director, via email at ExecutiveDirector@IndianaDisabilityRights.org.