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Radio News


U.S.-China Take Step to Resolve Trade Differences
   2018-12-03 00:01:00.107
News of progress in resolving a U.S.-Chinese trade dispute has several in the ag sector expressing levels of optimism. (Rod Bain. John Heisdorffer of the American Soybean Association. Joe Schuele of the U.S. Meat Export Council)

Lohr Named New NRCS Chief
   2018-12-03 00:00:59.872
A former Virginia Ag Commissioner, and current working farmer, has been appointed by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue as the new Chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. (Rod Bain and NRCS Chief Matt Lohr)

U.S.M.C.A. Trade Pact Signed by Leaders
   2018-11-30 00:01:00.081
U.S., Mexican, and Canadian leaders Friday signed the new U.S.M.C.A. trade agreement prior to the start of the G20 Summit in Argentina. (Rod Bain. President Donald Trump. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.)

Renewable Fuel Standard Finalized for 2019
   2018-11-30 00:00:59.742
The Environmental Protection Agency Friday announced its final rule for next year's Renewable Fuel Standard for ethanol and biodiesel production volumes. (Rod Bain and Geoff Cooper of the Renewable Fuels Association)

Perdue on U.S.M.C.A. and U.S. Ag Export Opportunities
   2018-11-30 00:00:59.533
The Agriculture Secretary discusses how a newly signed trade deal, once ratified, will create greater market access for U.S. ag exports into Mexico and Canada. (Rod Bain and Secretary Sonny Perdue)

A New USDA Forecast for Farm Income
   2018-11-30 00:01:00.029
As producers get ready to close the books on 2018, what will their balance sheet show? (Gary Crawford and Rob Johansson)

Actuality: Some Key Numbers in USDA's New 2018 Farm Income Forecast
   2018-11-30 00:00:47.516
Rob Johansson, USDA Chief Economist, with a few of the key numbers from Friday's new USDA forecast for 2018 farm income.

U.S. Rural Population Decline Trend is Reversed
   2018-11-30 00:00:59.428
For the first time since 2010, overall rural population in America increased from the previous year. (Rod Bain and John Cromartie of the Economic Research Service)

Actuality: Rural Population Trends Over Last Five Years
   2018-11-30 00:00:44.617
USDA research economist John Cromartie discusses some of the trends of rural population growth since 2013, as part of the most recent edition of the "Rural America at a Glance" studies.

USDA Lowers U.S. Cotton Export Forecast
   2018-11-30 00:01:00.003
U.S. cotton is facing a much tougher world market situation this fiscal year. (Gary Crawford and Rob Johansson)

USDA Gearing Up for AgCensus in Puerto Rico, Other US Territories
   2018-11-30 00:00:59.951
How does USDA collect AgCensus data in US territories? (Stephanie Ho and Donald Buysse, National Ag Statistics Service)

Wheat Export Prospects Improving
   2018-11-30 00:00:58.435
Wheat is one of only a handful of U.S. agricultural products that could see improved export sales in this 2019 fiscal year. (Gary Crawford, Rob Johansson and Seth Meyer)

USDA Collects AgCensus Data in US Territories, Too
   2018-11-30 00:00:57.364
USDA has wrapped up its AgCensus data collection efforts in the mainland United States, but officials are now gearing up to survey ag producers in US territories, as well. (Stephanie Ho and Donald Buysse, National Ag Statistics Service)

USDA Conducting a Major Farmer Survey
   2018-11-30 00:00:59.350
To come up with accurate estimates of this past seasons actual crop production USDA is looking to farmers for help. (Gary Crawford and Lance Honig)

Food --A Big Holiday Gift Item
   2018-11-30 00:01:00.055
Food is a big item on many people's holiday shopping and gift list. (Gary Crawford and Ana Serafin Smith)

Agreement in Principle on a New Farm Bill
   2018-11-29 00:00:59.454
A framework for a 2018 Farm Bill has been agreed upon by House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders, but what is next in getting this measure approved and signed into law? (Rod Bain. Rob LaRue of the National Farmers Union. Will Rodger of the American Farm Bureau Federation)


Agriculture USA

USDA's "Food Explorer" Helped Transform American Diets
   2018-11-27 00:04:59.833
Mangoes are not as exotic in the United States as they used to be. Ever wonder how that happened? Stephanie Ho has the story. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. Daniel Stone, author of "The Food Explorer." Susan Fugate, National Ag Library. Peter Bretting, Agricultural Research Service.

Consumer Time

How to Talk to your Young Kids about Scary Things in the News
   2018-11-27 00:03:00.062
The news lately has been scary for adults, but may be terrifying for young children. Experts give advice to parents in this report from Gary Crawford. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. David Weisenhorn with University of Kentucky Extension. Diane Bales with University of Georgia Extension.

The "Super Bowl" of Buying and Selling
   2018-11-27 00:03:00.062
Retailers call the holidays the "Super Bowl" of retailing. So, how's the game going so far? Gary Crawford has this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Ana Serafin Smith with the National Retail Association. Barbara O'Neill, Extension family finance expert with Rutgers University.

Mr. Smith and his Tree Go to Washington
   2018-11-27 00:03:00.062
A North Carolina farmer has not only made his big dream come true, but it's also a bit of a Cinderella Christmas story. Gary Crawford has that story. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Larry Smith, a North Carolina Christmas tree grower. Classic actor, Jimmy Stewart.

Are the Holidays Stressing You Out?
   2018-11-27 00:02:59.983
Feel stressed out by the holidays? One expert says some of that stress is self-produced and could be reduced. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Ohio State Extension Family Wellness Expert, Dr. Jim Bates. Also Ellen Degeneres.

Thank USDA's "Food Explorer" for the Colorful Foods in Your Diet
   2018-11-27 00:02:59.252
What would the American diet be like if it hadn't been for USDA's "Food Explorer?" Stephanie Ho has the story. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. Daniel Stone, author of "The Food Explorer." Susan Fugate, National Ag Library. Peter Bretting, Agricultural Research Service.

Agriculture Update

Latest Forest Management Developments
   2018-11-27 00:02:27.330
What are the latest developments in strengthening forest management? Stephanie Ho reports. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

Beef Market Being Pulled in both Bearish and Bullish Directions
   2018-11-27 00:02:30.047
The U.S. beef market is being pulled in both bearish and bullish directions. Gary Crawford has this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam.

A Digitalized Approach to Winter Farm Equipment Maintenance
   2018-11-27 00:02:12.367
Farmers conducting winter maintenance on their equipment and machinery also need to perform similar work on their precision ag and digitalized equipment as well. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. John Mishler of John Deere. David Booth of Case IH.

The Growth of a Marketing Order
   2018-11-27 00:02:23.934
Nearing year two of operation, the American Pecan Council is finding its stride in serving its industry both in short and long-term marketing plans and programs. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Alex Ott of the American Pecan Council

Challenges for Producers to Adapt Advanced Ag Tech
   2018-11-27 00:02:29.942
Some farmers and ranchers may still have concerns about incorporating rapidly advancing ag tech to their operations. Why is that? Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and ag tech expert Chad Colby.