Get involved with Medicare

We want you to be involved in how we define, design, and deliver care for all people with Medicare. Here are some of the ways you can work with us:

Join a Technical Expert Panel (TEP)

TEPs let you tell us what’s most important when we measure the quality of different types of care (like hospitals). TEPs may include people with Medicare, their families, caregivers, and other experts. Learn about or apply to join a TEP.

Comment on our proposed rules

Our proposed rules tell you how we plan to carry out laws passed by Congress that affect Medicare. Each rule has a period of time for the public to comment. This gives you a chance to send us feedback about our plans.

Find rules that are open for comment:

  • Visit
  • Select “Advanced Search” (you can find it below the blue “Search” button).
  • Select “Open for Comment.”
  • Select “Proposed Rule.”
  • In the “Narrow By Agency” box, select “CMS.”
  • Select “Search.”

Before you comment, learn tips for submitting effective comments.

Keep up with Medicare news

  • Sign up to get email updates about CMS news, including Medicare.
  • Get email updates about what’s going on with Medicare. Enter your email address in the box at the bottom of this page.
  • Follow our Medicare blog.
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