Medicaid and CHIP Business Information Solution

Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are changing and will continue to change moving forward. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment has grown to over 72 million beneficiaries. This exceeds enrollment in Medicare. The Centers for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) manages billions of federal dollars granted to states for their information technology (IT) expenditures to modernize state systems to meet growing demands.

In 2010 the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated the Medicaid and CHIP Business Information Solution (MACBIS) to meet mandates requiring reliable, comprehensive, and timely Medicaid and CHIP operational and programmatic data supported by leading edge technology and analytics solutions. MACBIS is an enterprise-wide initiative to ensure the Medicaid and CHIP data infrastructure and technology are commensurate to the programs’ role in evolving health care delivery reforms, access to coverage, and to enable proper monitoring and oversight. Aside from data needs to support the multi-billion dollar waiver negotiations, CMS will use MACBIS data for program integrity, evaluation of demonstrations, actuarial analysis, quality of care analysis, and to share this rich data set with states, stakeholders, and the research community.

MACBIS currently consists of four major projects: Medicaid and CHIP Program (MACPro), the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS), the Medicaid Drug Rebate (MDR) program, and the Medicaid and CHIP Financial program, of which the latter will move forward in late FY 2018.

Contact Us

Email if you need help or have a question about MACBIS data or tools, or would like to submit a data request.

To ensure submission is acted upon in an efficient and timely manner, be sure to include:

  • Type of Submission: Issue, request, question, feedback (note this in subject line)
  • Contact Information: Name, email address, phone number, agency/state/organization
  • Topic: T-MSIS guidance and documentation, access to tools, data requests, data products, training, other
  • Detailed Description: Write a detailed description of the issue, request, or question