Managed Care Capitation Rate Review: Days Awaiting Information from States

About This Measure

This measure reports the state portion of the total number of days it took to review and approve states’ managed care base capitation rates and capitation rate amendments. CMS conducts actuarial reviews of these rates and amendments as part of an approval process. CMS often sends questions to states and requests additional information as part of the reviews. The total time of the review has two parts: (1) the time it takes CMS to conduct the review and (2) the time it takes states to answer questions and provide additional information.

This measure shows the number of days that states took to answer questions or provide requested additional information to CMS to allow the review to continue.

The purple dash-dotted line represents the mean, or average of all values. The red dashed line represents the median, or middle of all values.


Histogram with a median of 21 days, a mean of 46 days, and the values:

Number of Days Count
0-30 days 164
31-60 days 42
61-90 days 9
91-120 days 15
121-150 days 20
151-180 days 11
181-210 days 2
211-240 days 3
241-270 days 1
271-300 days 3
301-330 days 0
331-360 days 0
360+ days 0

Source: CMS Office of the Actuary (OACT)

Note: The figure includes the 270 managed care capitation rates and capitation rate amendments that CMS approved in calendar year 2016.