An official website of the United States government.

Due to a lapse in appropriations, EPA websites will not be regularly updated. In the event of an environmental emergency imminently threatening the safety of human life or where necessary to protect certain property, the EPA website will be updated with appropriate information. Please note that all information on the EPA website may not be up to date, and transactions and inquiries submitted to the EPA website may not be processed or responded to until appropriations are enacted.

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EPA History

EPA was created on December 2, 1970, by President Richard Nixon. Read more about the origins of EPA.
Explore EPA's timeline

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EPA History

Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. Since its inception, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.

Learn more about EPA's accomplishments over its close-to-50-year history on the Agency Accomplishments page and on the EPA History timeline.

Milestones in EPA and Environmental History

You can also read reports, speeches and articles about EPA's achievements and anniversary celebrations on the EPA accomplishments page.