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18th Annual Black Male State Conference

18th Annual Black Male State Conference

Welcome to the ICSSBM site

The ICSSBM reviews the status of Black males in five principal focus areas: Criminal Justice, Education, Employment, Health and Social Factors.  Within each of these areas the Commission seeks to share best practice information, offer suggestions or recommendations and if possible engage in initiatives to serve Black males like the youth symposiums, Dad’s Expo, the Black Barbershop Health Initiative and the HIV/Aids Awareness Program.  The overall goal is to improve the quality of life for Black males and to reduce the disparate statistics that are reported annually.


2018 Commission Initiatives

  • 18th Annual Black Males Conference Ocotber 16, 2018
  • Fatherhood Engagement Dad's Expo Conference June 2018
  • Million Father March/Back to School events August 2018
  • What You Don't Know Can Kill, Minority Health Conference September 2018
  • Kings Feast Youth Conference September 29, 2018
  • Young Black Males Matter/Black Males Annual Conference October 16-17, 2018