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Advisory Council on Transportation Statistics

On September 13, 2012, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood appointed 7 new members and 2 previous members to the Advisory Council on Transportation Statistics (ACTS) to advise the Department's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) on statistical matters.

ACTS was created with the establishment  of BTS in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 to advise BTS on the quality, reliability, consistency, objectivity, and relevance of transportation statistics and analyses collected, supported, or disseminated by the Bureau and the Department.

The new members are Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University; Barbara Fraumeni, Muskie School of Public Service; Herman Habermann, The Committee on National Statistics; Paul Jovanis, Pennsylvania State University; David Lee, Airlines for America; Joseph Schofer, Northwestern University; and Michael Walton, University of Texas at Austin. The reappointed members are Leanna Depue, Missouri Department of Transportation; and Michael Replogle, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.


  • Form F 1120.1 - Advisory Committee Candidate Biographical Information Request (PDF - 256KB)
  • Charter

Meeting Notices, Agendas and Minutes

Updated: Monday, May 7, 2018