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Jobs and Internships


The United States Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics Fellows program prepares a diverse, highly talented, educated, and skilled pool of individuals to address science, technology and policy issues related to transportation systems, and enhances the future workforce to be both knowledgeable and trained in fields of specific interest to transportation and statistics agencies.  BTS Fellows become members of teams working on topics of national importance and will become part of the future supply of individuals with specific experience in national and international transportation statistics, data science, research and policy. Some may go on to join the USDOT as staff members; others will collaborate with USDOT scientists from academic or other positions; and all will make professional contributions in areas of importance to the USDOT mission.

BTS Fellows receive a highly competitive stipend, health insurance subsidy, travel and moving reimbursement and an allowance for education, scientific activities and professional development. Fellows join BTS for a one to three year appointment at the USDOT.

BTS is currently seeking people interested in bringing transformative change to the Federal Government. These post-graduate research and developmental opportunities will infuse fresh perspective, skills, and methodologies regularly into BTS processes, products, and initiatives. Fellows appointments are available in the following areas:


The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), located at the U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters, has internship positions available for graduate students in transportation–related programs of study in the Washington, DC region. BTS generates published reports and web-based information to inform the nation's transportation decision-makers, planners, researchers, the media, and the public.

Interns work closely with BTS professional staff and become engaged in high profile statistical and research projects involving data from across the nation's transportation system. This includes collection and analysis of national and state level transportation data on passenger and freight movements, airline performancemaritime operations, and economic indicators. Interns can also work on statistical methodology challenges and presentation of findings from geospatial data analysis. As part of BTS, the National Transportation Library also utilizes graduate students to identify data sources and build national knowledge networks.

BTS arranges flexible work schedules for interns to accommodate full or part-time students. Internships can be a paid or volunteer status; students must be U.S. citizens for paid internships. With approval from the student's university, college credits may be earned. Graduate students frequently use BTS datasets for class projects, Master's theses, and Ph.D. dissertations. BTS is looking for graduate student interns who are high-performing individuals with backgrounds in transportation data analysis, statistics, transportation economics, survey research, library science, or geospatial systems. Interested students actively pursuing graduate degrees in transportation-related programs are encouraged to resumes and writing samples to Paula Robinson.

U.S. Department of Transportation Paid Summer Internship Opportunities--Washington, D.C.

Updated: Monday, December 17, 2018