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Port Performance Working Group

The Port Performance Freight Statistics Working Group has been created in accordance with Section 6018 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (P.L. 114-94; Dec. 4, 2015; 129 Stat. 1312). The Working Group supports development of the newly-established Port Performance Freight Statistics Program, managed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). The goal of the program is “to provide nationally consistent measures of performance” of the nation’s largest ports, and to report annually to Congress on port capacity and throughput.

The Working Group is established in the FAST Act to provide recommendations to the BTS Director on matters related to port performance measures; to identify a standard for port data; to specify standards for consistent port performance measures; to recommend statistics for measuring port capacity and throughput; and to develop a process to collect timely and consistent data.

The FAST Act designates the members of the Working Group, and sets a due date for recommendations of December 4, 2016.

Working Group Status

  • On December 4, 2016, the Working Group made its recommendations to the BTS director. 

Working Group Background, Charter, and Membership List

    Federal Register Notices

    Past Working Group Meetings

    Updated: Monday, March 19, 2018