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Industry Snapshots

Product Description: 


Industry Snapshots 2017, developed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, uses information from the 2016 Transportation Satellite Accounts (TSAs) and other sources to highlight the role of for-hire and business-related in-house transportation in the production process for all of the non-transportation sectors listed in the U.S. Input Output (I-O) accounts.  They are:

  • natural resources and mining,
  • manufacturing, constructions,
  • utilities,
  • wholesale and retail trade,
  • services, and
  • government

Industry Snapshots presents the latest available data on the:

  • sector’s contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) – nationally and by State in 2016;
  • the sector’s use of transportation by mode in 2016;
  • the amount of transportation the sector requires to produce one dollar of output in 2016;
  • number of transportation (e.g., airline and commercial pilots, bus drivers, etc.) and material moving (e.g., cleaners of vehicles, dredge operators, etc.) workers employed by the sector in 2016;
  • the median annual wage for selected transportation occupations in the sector in 2016;
  • the number of trucks and number of truck miles accumulated by the sector in 2002; and
  • shipment characteristics (for selected sectors) in 2012.