National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) 50th Anniversary

NLS 50th Anniversary

For 50 years, the National Longitudinal Surveys program has followed nationally representative samples of men and women over time, and has gathered extensive information about their employment experiences, education, training, health, children, and much, much more. Because of its quality, breadth, and thoroughness, the NLS have become some of the most analyzed data in the social sciences. NLS data have informed social science research, policy, and the public about issues of vital concern.

50th Anniversary Conference
September 17, 2015
Washington, D.C.

This conference demonstrated the value of NLS data to government agencies, think tanks, and policy makers and presented data innovations and recent findings from the NLS on labor markets, skill formation, and education.


  • Opening Remarks
    • Erica Groshen, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • Keynote - Understanding 50 Years of Contributions from the NLS and Envisioning Its Future

    • Michael Horrigan, Bureau of Labor Statistics
    • Dan Black, University of Chicago
  • Round Table Discussion - Government and Private Sector Uses of NLS Data
    • Moderator: Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland
    • Panel Members:
      • Rebecca Clark, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
      • Brian Harris-Kojetin, National Academy of Sciences
      • H. Elizabeth Peters, Urban Institute
        • Types of Uses of NLS Data for Policy (Video forthcoming)
      • Howard Snyder, Bureau of Justice Statistics
        • NLSY97: The Infrastructure for the Largest National Study of Self-Reported Juvenile Offending in the U.S. (PDF of Slides) and (Video)

    • Closing Remarks and Questions: Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland (Video)

  • Research Session - Data Innovations and Recent Findings on Labor Markets, Education, and Skill Formation
    • Chair:  Jeffrey Groen, Bureau of Labor Statistics

    • Speakers:
      • Audrey Light, Ohio State University
      • Kelly Raley, University of Texas
      • Sergio Urzua, University of Maryland
        • Do Skills/Abilities Matter? Findings from the National Longitudinal Surveys (PDF of slides)


Order Data | Original Cohorts | NLSY79 | NLSY79 Children | NLSY97 | NLS Data Files |
NLS Documentation | Bibliography | Research Papers | NLS Newsletter


Last Modified Date: August 3, 2018