Home & Community Based Services Technical Assistance for States

We utilize contractors to provide direct technical assistance (TA) to assist state Medicaid agencies seeking to develop and/or improve their Medicaid programs. TA services include:

HCBS Rates & Fiscal Integrity Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Services are available to:

  • Give feedback on HCBS rate methodologies and/or waiver service rate models
  • Assist with cost estimates in Appendix J
  • Provide guidance regarding rate review, rate sufficiency, and financial accountability strategies
  • Provide guidance on 1915(c) quality improvement system (QIS) performance measures

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Systems Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Services are available to:

  • Assist with determining the most appropriate EVV Model for the State
  • Provide guidance regarding 21st Century CURES Act Sec. 12006
  • Supply promising practice examples of EVV Systems
  • Review and provide opinions regarding policy documents related explicitly to EVV implementation
  • Review proposed 1915(c) Waiver language

Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Services are available to:

  • Assist with 1915(c), 1915(i), 1915(j), and 1915(k) HCBS waiver and state plan amendments, including helping a state determine what authority will best meet its needs
  • Provide guidance on self-direct services, person-centered planning and community integration     
  • Share promising practices with regards to supported employment and positive behavior support

Preadmission Screening & Resident Review (PASRR) Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Services are available to:

  • Increase state compliance with PASRR regulations
  • Require that the needs of  individuals in long-term care are appropriately addressed
  • Gather and analyze data at the national, state, and individual level to identify state program strengths and weaknesses and better quantify characteristics of the PASRR population and the service system
  • Identify issues and best practices in PASRR and related programs
  • Inform CMS development of appropriate policies

HCBS Settings Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Services are available to:

  • Clarify the settings criteria included in the HCBS settings rule
  • Assist with issues/barriers in meeting the HCBS settings criteria
  • Share other state examples of effective transition plans

The HCBS settings contractor will not perform any of the states work required to bring them into compliance with regulations which includes writing or amending a home and community based settings transition plan and/or compiling comments.