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FY 2016 Annual Performance Report & FY 2018 Annual Performance Plan


Download the Entire Report

Quick Links: Section I | Section II | Section III | Introduction

Section I: Overview


Strategic Goals and Objectives

Organizational Structure

Financial Structure

Summary of Financial Information

FY 2016 Resource Information

Analysis of Financial Statements

Section II: FY 2016 Annual Performance Report - Performance Results and Highlights


Strategic Goal 1

Summary of Goal 1 Performance Results (Table)

Performance Highlights from FY 2016

Strategic Goal 2

Summary of Goal 2 Performance Results (Table)                        

Performance Highlights from FY 2016

Strategic Goal 3

Summary of Goal 3 Performance Results

Performance Highlights from FY 2016

Section III: FY 2018 Annual Performance Plan


Strategic Areas

National Security

Violent Crime



This Report’s Purpose and Reporting Process

This document combines the Department of Justice Annual Performance Report (APR) for FY 2016 and Annual Performance Plan (APP) for FY 2018. The APR reports FY 2016 accomplishment highlights while the APP discusses the direction for FY 2018 and beyond. The APR/APP represents a continuing step forward in the efforts of the Department to implement the tenets of performance-based management at the heart of the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA). Moreover, the APR/APP provides performance information, enabling the President, Congress, and the American public to assess the annual performance of the Department of Justice. The APR/APP is prepared under the direction of the Department’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Performance Improvement Officer (PIO).

The Department continues to enforce vigorously the broad spectrum of laws of the United States. For the FY 2016 Performance Report section, the Department’s FY 2014-2018 Strategic Plan is used and is available in the Department’s website at http://www.justice.gov/jmd/strategic-20142018/index.html).

In accordance with GPRAMA, an agency’s Strategic Plan must be updated every four years and cover a period of not less than four years forward from the fiscal year in which it is submitted. The Department is currently developing a new Strategic Plan that will cover fiscal years 2018 through 2022, which will be available in the Spring of 2018.

Organization of the Report

Section I – Overview: This section includes summary information about the mission and organization of the Department and resource information.

Section II – FY 2016 Performance Report: This section provides a summary of the Department’s 30 key performance measures/indicators, noting whether targeted performance levels were either achieved or /not achieved in FY 2016. The FY 2016 Performance Report summarizes the performance results of the Department’s three strategic goals as found in the FY 2014-2018 Strategic Plan.

Section III – FY 2018 Performance Plan: This section highlights the Department’s plans for the upcoming year and beyond.

Compliance with Legislated Reporting Requirements

This report meets the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA). The GPRAMA requires performance reporting against all established agency goals outlined in current strategic planning documents.

Updated May 24, 2017

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