Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP)

DALTCP provides leadership on HHS policies that support the independence, health and productivity of elderly individuals and people with disabilities. DALTCP staff work on long-term care, post-acute care, personal assistance services, family care giving, integrated care (including for dual eligibles), rehabilitative services, employment of people with disabilities, mental health parity, and the direct care workforce.

Division of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities Policy
The Division of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities Policy focuses on financing, delivery, and quality of services and supports for individuals with mental illnesses, substance use disorders, or intellectual disabilities. Areas of focus include coverage and payment issues in private insurance, Medicaid and Medicaid, quality and consumer protection issues, and programs and policies of HHS agencies as they affect adults, children and youth with mental health conditions, substance abuse, or intellectual disabilities.

Division of Long-Term Care Policy
The Division of Long-Term Care Policy focuses on the long-term care and personal assistance needs of people of all ages with chronic disabilities. Areas of focus include assessing the interaction between health care, chronic care, long-term care, and supportive services needs of persons with disabilities across the age spectrum; determining service use and program participation patterns; and coordinating the development of long-term care data and policies that affect the characteristics, circumstances, and needs of people with long-term care needs, including older adults and people with disabilities.

Division of Disability and Aging Policy
The Division of Disability and Aging Policy is responsible for policy development, coordination, research and evaluation of policies and programs focusing on persons with disabilities and older Americans. This includes measuring and evaluating the impact of all programs authorized by the Older Americans Act. Aging activities related to older Americans are carried out in coordination with other HHS agencies and organizations. The Division is also responsible for supporting the development and analysis of crosscutting disability and aging data and policies within the Department and in other federal agencies.