Covered Outpatient Drugs Policy

National Drug Rebate Agreement

Final Notice - On March 22, 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) put on display a Final Notice CMS-2397-FN that announced changes to the Medicaid National Drug Rebate Agreement (NDRA) which will be applicable as of the March 23, 2018 publication in the Federal Register.  The updated NDRA incorporates legislative and regulatory changes that have occurred since the NDRA was last published on February 21, 1991, and also makes editorial and structural revisions, such as references to the updated Office of Management and Budget (OMB)-approved data collection forms and electronic data reporting.  Manufacturers with an existing active NDRA(s) as of the applicability date of the notice have until September 30, 2018 to complete (including the CMS-367d), sign and submit the updated NDRA in order to continue participation in the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP).

Notification of Potential Labeler Terminations on October 1, 2018

Visit the Notification of Potential Labeler Terminations page for a list of labelers that have not yet signed an updated NDRA.

Affordable Care Act

Interim Final Rule with Comment Period Published - On November 14, 2016 CMS issued the Covered Outpatient Drug; Delay in Change in Definitions of States and United States Interim Final Rule with Comment Period (CMS-2345-IFC) that delays the inclusion of the U.S. territories (American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) in the definitions of “States” and “United States” from April 1, 2017 until April 1, 2020 which is effective on November 15, 2016. There was a 60-day comment period for this interim final rule that ended on January 17, 2017.

Final Rule with Comments Published – On January 21, 2016 CMS issued the Covered Outpatient Drugs final rule with comment that addresses key areas of Medicaid drug reimbursement and changes made to the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program by the Affordable Care Act. This final rule also requests additional comments on the definition of line extension, and had a 60-day public comment period which ended on April 1, 2016. View the Fact Sheet to learn how this final rule assists states and the federal government in managing drug costs, establishing the long-term framework for implementation of the Medicaid drug rebate program, and creating a more fair reimbursement system for Medicaid programs and pharmacies. 

Deficit Reduction Act (DRA)

Other Resources

Page last updted on September 11, 2018