Medicaid Modified Adjusted Gross Income & Children’s Health Insurance Program Application Processing Time Report

The data included in this report series represent the timeliness of states’ Medicaid Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) determinations on applications.

States submit these data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of the Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Performance Indicators process. These data represent the length of time it took states’ Medicaid and CHIP agencies to conduct all final MAGI determinations for individuals at application, regardless of the application date.

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Among the 42 states reporting Medicaid MAGI and CHIP application processing time to CMS's specifications, CMS conducted:

  • Nearly 50% of all MAGI application determinations in less than 7 days
  • Over 30% of all MAGI application determinations in less than 24 hours

About this Report Series

In recent years, states have significantly improved their eligibility, enrollment, and renewal processes for Medicaid and CHIP. These improvements enable states to process Medicaid and CHIP determinations in more accurate, timely, and efficient ways. This report series highlights states’ MAGI and CHIP application processing time data. Application processing time data are constantly changing.

State policies and practices and external factors can all affect the data. External factors include application volume and state policy and practices around verification of information, staffing, and level of automation in a state’s eligibility system.