  • CMS Panel Discussion on E/M Coding Reform

    30,272 views 2 months ago
    Many stakeholders maintain that current CMS evaluation and management documentation guidelines are outdated, complex, ambiguous, and that they fail to distinguish meaningful differences among code levels. CMS has acknowledged that the current guidelines create an administrative burden and increased audit risk for some providers. In response, CMS announced its intention to undertake a multi-year effort—with the input of providers and other stakeholders—to revise the current E/M documentation guidelines. CMS Administrator Seema Verma, - Dr. Rucker, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Dr. Kate Goodrich, CMS Chief Medical Officer and Director of CCSQ, Dr. Anand Shah, CMMI Chief Medical Officer, and Dr. Thomas Mason, ONC Chief Medical Officer host an informative live telecast on E/M Coding Reform. #PatientsoverPaper. Show less
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