Office of Research & Development

National VA Research Week: VA Medical Center Activities from 2017

VAMC Dates PAO Events
Ann Arbor, MI May 15-18 Brian Hays Plenary session featuring the Roger Grekin award presentation, and the new AAROW research management training session. AGENDA
Augusta, GA 16-May Brian Rothwell 9-Noon: Open House with poster presentations; N-1: Lunch; 1-4:30: Speakers, presentations of Young Investigators and People's Choice awards. AGENDA
Baltimore, MD May 15-18 David Edwards Educational programs and presentations of research studies to Veterans at the Baltimore VA, Perry Point, Loch Raven facilities; mini-symposia and programs for VA researchers on Wednesday 5/17; table displays Monday-Thursday.
Bay Pines, FL 17-May Jason Dangle Panel discussion, investigator presentations, poster sessions, spotlight on new investigators and studies.
Birmingham, AL 15-May Jeffrey Hester Interactive slide show presentations by researchers in the main hospital auditorium followed by Veterans information connections in the ground floor area.
Boise, ID 17-May Josh Callihan Merit Review Program Manager to conduct morning sessins with clinicians and scientific staff; Lunch-time speakers followed by research award presentations.
Boston, MA 18-May Pallas Wahl Speakers and posters sessions will be featured at all three campuses; agenda not finalized.
Bronx, NY 16-May Jim Connell 9am-3pm: Speakers and researcher presentations, poster sessions. AGENDA
Buffalo, NY 15-May Evangeline Conley Poster session followed by judging contest; Dr. Bruce Troen to speak on frailty and aging research.
Charleston, SC 18-May Tonya Lobbestael Speaker session in the morning followed by round table discussions in the afternoon.
Chicago, IL May 15,18&19 Lela Vance-Glover 5/15: Research presentations for patients; 5/18: Academic affiliate poster session, 'Shark Tank' pane, community resource fair; 5/19: VA investigator start-up company presentations. AGENDA
Cincinnati, OH 18-Apr Todd Sledge Speakers on the topics of bench, animal, and clinical research in conjunction with Univ of Cin and the Cin Children's Hosp.; lunch provided after poster session. AGENDA
Clarksburg, WV May 15-19 Wesley Walls Poster displays and table exibits to include CONFIRM Colon Cancer Screening, PIONEER-HF study, and INVESTED trial.
Columbia SC 17-May Bob Hallat Poster displays at 10 am; researcher presentations at 1 pm., with Dr. Thomas Klobucar, Acting Dir for Office of Rural Health as keynote speaker.
Dallas, TX May 15-19 Froy Garza Research Poster exhibits, Research study coordinator presentations, poster contest on 5/17, Research study open enrollment for Veterans, Researcher-of-the-Year celebration on 5/18. AGENDA
Denver, CO May 25&26 Kristen Schabert Poster displays 11-1 and 3-4, speakers from 1-3 pm; closing remarks by VISN 19 Director Ralph Gigliotti. AGENDA
Detroit, MI 19-May Alysse Mengason Speakers, posters and presentations.
East Orange, NJ May 15,18,23 Sandra Warren 5/15: Poster session with local research advancements; 5/18: 3-4pm: scientific lecture on 'Development of a bioactive scaffold for bone regeneration'; 5/23: scientific lecture on 'Patient-centered management of Gulf War Illness'. AGENDA
Fargo, ND 17-May Ross Tweten Guest speakers in the auditorium; poster presentations/displays, Open house in R&D service all week.
Gainesville, FL 19-May Cindy Snook Speakers, presentations, poster exhibits. AGENDA
Hampton, VA May 15-18 Sheila Bailey 5/15: Lunch&Learn on topic of research application process; 5/16: Lunch&Learn on topic of surveys and query tools in research for data collection; 5/17: MVP recruitment table in front lobby; 5/18: Lunch&Learn on topic of using statistics in research designs and basic research studies.
Hines, IL 16-May Richard Fox Information sessions, project presentations, thank-you notes to Veteran research participants.
Honolulu, HI 17-May Patricia Teran-Matthews Opening remarks by ACOS/Research followed by a presentation on Alzheimer's Disease by Dr. Lon White. AGENDA
Houston, TX May 15-18 Maureen Dyman 5/15: Grand ceremony kickoff with Color Guard (congressional invited reps include Ted Cruz, Kevin Brady, and Rick Perry), and a research show-and-tell; 5/16: Staff recognition awards, Medical research logo competition winner announcement; 5/17: research VA2K walk; 5/18: Research fair. AGENDA
Iowa City, IA Apr 18-20 Bryan Clark Events take place at Univ of IA in collaboration with VA, Carver College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, and Institute for Clinical and Translational Science, and will include poster session competitions for students and for postdoc fellows and staff.
Las Vegas, NV May 15-19 Charles Ramey Posters and information tables on 5/16 from 9-noon; research week display on DMTS system during the week.
Leavenworth, KS 16-May Joseph Burks 9-Noon: Poster presentations and speakers. AGENDA
Little Rock, AR 5/16/2017 Christopher Durney Speakers, tours of research facility, a town hall meeting for investigators, and presentation of the 2016 Middleton Award to Dr. Stavros Manolagas.
Madison, WI May 15&19 Tim Donovan 5/15: 2-4pm, poster session presentations; 5/19: 9-N Speakers, 1:30-3pm Workshop on Veteran engagement in VA research.
Manchester, NH May 17&18 Kristin Pressly 5/17: Lunch&Learn highlighting MVP, CONFIRM, CHAMP/HF, and MDS/AML; 5/18: Research meeting with Northern New England Research Consortium (NNERC)
Minneapolis, MN 3-May Ralph Heussner Speaker presentations including the 2017 Zieve award presentation followed by a poster and exposition session from 1:30-3:30pm. AGENDA
Nashville, TN May 17&18 Gina Jackson 5/17: speaker presentations at Vanderbilt Univ from 1:30-5:30pm, followed by a Wine and Cheese reception w/presentation of the 2016 Middleton Award to Ann Richmond, Dinner for speakers from 7-9; 5/18: Speaker presentations from 9:30am-Noon at Vanderbilt Univ followed by a lunch with congressional reps, concluding with afternoon speakers from 1-4:30pm.
New Orleans, LA 16-May Amanda Jones Research information tables at the main entrance; 4-5 pm. Training session for researchers on the VINCI system.
New York, NY 19-May Claudie Benjamin Research symposium at NY Harbor, Manhattan VA campus. AGENDA
Omaha, NB May 15-19 William Ackerman 5/15: Research staff appreciation lunch; 5/16&18: Display boards in main lobby; 5/19: Research presentations and 'Friends of VA Research Award' presentation.
Phoenix, AZ May 16-18 Paul Coupaud 5/16: 8-Noon Outreach tables, poster presentations, and virtual lab tours; 5/17: 8-Noon HRPP training (K.Jeans); 5/18: Research picnic 11:30-1.
Pittsburgh, PA May 15-19 Kathleen Pomorski Kick-off event on Monday 5/15 11am-1pm: Speakers, presentation of 2017 Excellence in Research Award to a VAPHS researcher; awards for the Young Investigator poster contest; and the first annual staff recognition awards; information tables in the main lobby all week.
'MVP on the Road 2017'- conducting mobile outreach and recruiting for MVP in collaboration with Mobile Vet Centers, Transportation Services, VSOs, and Minority Outreach Coordinators.
Portland, OR 23-May Daniel Herrigstad Researcher presentations and poster displays in the sky bridge area.
Providence, RI May 15-19 Winfield Danielson, III Research staff at recruitment and information tables in main lobby all week; 5/17: poster symposium 1-5 pm; 5/20: keynote speaker, Sharon Rounds, MD, who will also receive the American Thoracic Society Trudeau Medal in May, followed by presentations, poster awards, and refreshments.
Reno, NV May 165-19 Darin Farr Speakers and research presentations each day from 11:30am-1pm; followed by an open house and a grand prize drawing on Friday afternoon. AGENDA
Salt Lake City, UT 18-May Jill Atwood 10 am-4pm poster displays and speakers from 11 am-1:30pm.
San Antonio, TX May 15-18 Nanette Madla 5/15-16: Patient recruitment; 5/16: Panel discussion on aging 2:30-3:30 pm; 5/17: 9-Noon Annual medicine research poster contest in collaboration with Univ of TX Health Science Center; 5/18: 1-2 pm, Veteran patient panel; 4-6 pm, Research Appreciation & Networking.
San Diego, CA May 9,15-19 Cindy Butler 5/9&15: Vendor Fair for research staff; 5/16&19: Speakers and researcher presentations on core services, IT and data storage, research clinical trials suite, Cooperative Studies NODE support, study recruitment, and partnership with LasVegas VAHS.
San Juan, PR May 16-19 Joseph Rivera-Rebolledo 5/16: Employee appreciation day; 5/17: Opening ceremony with speakers and research presentations focusing on research participants; 5/18: R&D Tea and Coffee Chat; 5/19: Research program presentations, speakers, and poster exhibits. AGENDA
Seattle, WA May 15-18 Kimberly Wilkie Research recruitment fair for Veterans in Veterans' Lobby; 5/18: Research day symposium at Seattle campus.
Shreveport, LA 15-May David Gasperson Posters, research displays, speaker on VA Human Research Protection Program, and a medical center-wide reception with light refreshments.
St. Louis, MO 21-Apr Marcena Gunther Keynote speakers Dr. Jeffrey Gordon, Dr. Robert Glaser, Keith Repko; presentation by Dr. Nathan Revi who will also receive a Lifetime Achievment Award, and Dr. Jacki Kornbluth, 2017 Distinguished Research Investigator award; speakers from St. Louis Univ and Washington Univ in St. Louis.
Sioux Falls, SD May 16-19 Shirley Redmond Open house, display tables, and poster presentations in the new Primary Care addition.
Tampa, FL May 23&24 Karen Collins 5/23: Symposium 2:30-7pm, speakers, research highlights and reception; 5/24: Poster presentations from 11a-3pm in auditorium.
Temple, TX May 15-18 Deborah Meyer 5/15: Poster displays; 5/16-18: speakers on a variety of topics by presenters and researchers at VA, Texas A&M, Univ of Mary Hardin-Baylor, and Univ of TX, with opening remarks by leadership on May 17. AGENDA
Tucson, AZ May15-19 Luke Johnson Themed research presentation days from Noon-1pm. 5/15: Pharmacy Day; 5/16: Strategic Planning Day; 5/17: Medicine Day; 5/18: Nursing Scholars Day; 5/19: Celebrate SAVAHCS Research Party to include a meet-N-greet, potluck, posters and research videos.
Washington, DC May 15-18 Gloria Hairston Poster presentations from 11-1 in atrium; research fair on 5/17 in Freedom Auditorium with the theme of updating researchers on protocol submission and an interactive Q&A session.
West Haven, CT May 15-19 Pamela Redmond Poster presentations, information sessions, information tables in the rotunda.
West Palm Beach, FL May 16&17 Kenita Gordon 5/16: 6th Annual Scientific Discovery Day - exhibit hall style poster session; 5/17: Conference at Noon on the topic of 'Population health and big data for research and clinical care.'
Worcester, MA 5/15/2017 Andre Bowser Brown Bag Lunch & Learn research presentation session.

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