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ABCD Study Completes Enrollment
Chat Day 2019
Daily use of marijuana among non-college young adults at all time high
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week Begins January 22, 2019

In This Section

Find the latest science-based information about the health effects and consequences of drug use and addiction and resources for talking with kids about the impact of drug use on health.

Free Classroom Materials for 6th-12th Grades

NIDA for Teachers

Lesson Plan and Activity Finder: Search for FREE classroom lessons that meet national standards by drug topic. Includes NIDA funded grant-created science curriculums, Scholastic, Brain Power, Mind Matters Series, and more!

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®

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National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) is coming January 22-27, 2019. NDAFW is a national health observance linking teens to science-based facts to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drugs!

NIDA for Teens

NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse

Resources for teens and teen influencers. Get the latest on how drugs affect the brain and body. Featuring videos, games, blog posts and more!

More Resources for Educators

Opioids: Facts For Teens and Mind Matters: The Body's Response to Opioids Publication CoversCheck out the newly revised Opioids & Other Prescription Drugs Toolkit

Order Free Classroom Resources

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The Human Brain:
Major Structures and Functions

Clinical Trials

Follow Drugs & Health: NIDA's Blog for Teens
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NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse
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