Administrative Services



Bid Opportunities

Bid Opportunities:
Gift Policy

Nebraska Revised State Statute Section 81-161.05 prohibits Materiel Division employees from accepting gifts or anything of value from vendors. This is a reminder to vendors regarding this provision. We appreciate your compliance with this policy and ask that you be mindful of the need for continued compliance.

Announcements & Notes:


NOTE: It is the responsibility of the bidder to check this site for all information relevant to solicitations to include addenda and/or amendments that may be issued prior to the opening date.


As of 2/01/2017 Bid Openings will be conducted as followed:


Anyone may attend the opening. It is considered a public opening.  For services, the Buyer will read the names of the respondents. A List of Respondents will be posted to the SPB website. The bids will NOT be available for public viewing until the evaluation process has been completed and the Intent to Award has been posted to the SPB website.

Anyone may attend the opening.  It is considered a public opening.  The Buyer will read the names of the respondents.  Depending upon the complexity of the bid, the buyer may read the bids aloud or allow bids be available for viewing by the public during the bid opening.  Once the bid opening has concluded, the bids will not be available for viewing until the Intent to Award has been posted.  An initial bid tabulation will be posted to the website as soon as feasible.

Agency Processed Bid Opportunities:
Commodity Bid Opportunities:
Services Bid Opportunities:
Request for Information - State Purchasing Processed
Vehicle Bid Opportunities


NASPO ValuePoint Bid Opportunities:

NASPO - ValuePoint Current Opportunities


Sourcewell (Formerly NJPA) Bid Opportunities

Unified Communications, Contact Center, and Related Services, Equipment, and Applications

  • Pre-Proposal Conference: February 6, 2019 at 10:00 am CT
  • Sealed proposals due: February 27, 2019 at 4:30 pm CT
  • Proposals will be publicly opened: February 28, 2019 at 8:30 am CT

Trailers with Related Equipment, Accessories, and Services

  • Pre-Proposal Conference: November 27, 2018 at 10:00 am CT
  • Sealed proposals due: November 27, 2018 at 10:00 am CT
  • Proposals will be publicly opened: December 20, 2018 at 8:30 am CT


Sourcewell (Formerly NJPA) - Current Opportunities


MMCAP Bid Opportunities

MMCAP - Current Opportunities






State Purchasing Bureau
1526 K Street
Suite 130
Lincoln, NE 68508