Grant Administration Policies and Regulations

Learn about the terms, conditions, and other regulations that apply to your SAMHSA grant or cooperative agreement.

When you accept a grant or a cooperative agreement award from SAMHSA, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the Notice of Award (NoA), as well as reference federal policies and regulations. These include:

Financial Management

SAMHSA is required to ensure that federal assistance is used appropriately. When you accept a grant award, you are also legally obligated to meet federal standards in the areas of financial management, internal controls, audit, and reporting.

Learn more about grantee financial management requirements.

Restricted Status (Formerly High Risk)

SAMHSA uses the term "restricted status" to describe recipients that are financially unstable, have inadequate financial management systems, or are poor programmatic performers. Grants placed on restricted status require additional monitoring and have additional award conditions that must be met before funds can be drawn.

Learn more about restricted status.

System Registration

It is also critical for your organization to maintain its registration in the following systems:

A lapsed registration will negatively impact your ability to submit new or continuation award applications, as well as to receive future awards.

Last Updated: 09/15/2017