Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)

This Act was designed to improve program management throughout the Federal government and became effective in 1993. Under this Act, agencies are required to develop a five-year strategic plan outlining its mission, long-term goals for the agency's major functions, performance measures, and reporting results. Strategic plans are to be updated every 3 years and DOL's most current strategic plan can be found on the Strategic Plan webpage. In addition to the strategic plan, agencies also submit an annual performance report to the Office of Management and Budget with established fiscal year performance goals, objectives on how to achieve these goals, and an explanation of how performance is measured and verified.

Beginning 2005, DOL added a performance overview which displays ETA's final GPRA performance goals and targets, however, the Reemployment Rate for Unemployment Insurance Claimants measure was discontinued beginning in FY 2015. These performance overviews serve as the source documents for the national GPRA goals and targets. These are outlined below or in a trending view here:

Government Performance and Results Act Goals
Performance Measures FY 2018 Results FY 2017 Results FY 2016 Results
Unemployment Insurance
Percent of Intrastate Payments Made Timely 84.7% 84.5% 84.5%
Detection of Recoverable Overpayments 53.7%1 45.6%2 56.39%
Percent of Employer Tax Liability Determinations Made Timely 89.5% 88.7% 88.8%
1 Excludes the data of Massachusetts due to missing reports.
2 Excludes the data of Massachusetts and New Jersey due to missing reports.

Government Performance and Results Act Goals
Performance Measures FY 2019 Goal*
Unemployment Insurance
Percent of Intrastate First Payments Made Timely 87%
Detection of Recoverable Overpayments 54.5%
Percent of Employer Tax Liability Determinations Made Timely 89.0%
*Goals may be revised based on prior year performance.

Archived Data

Government Performance and Results Act Results & Goals
Performance Measures FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016
Goal Result Goal Result Goal Result
Percent of Intrastate First Payments Made Timely 87% 84.7% 87% 84.5% 87.50% 84.50%
Detection of Recoverable Overpayments 61.9% 53.7%1 61.4% 45.6%2 67.90% 56.39%
Percent of Employer Tax Liability Determinations Made Timely 88% 89.5% 88% 88.7% 89.00% 88.80%
1Excludes the data of Massachusetts due to missing reports.
2 Excludes the data of Massachusetts and New Jersey due to missing reports.