State Health System Performance

The State Health System Performance measures show how states serve Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries in six areas:

  • Promoting communication & care coordination
  • Reducing harm in care delivery
  • Promoting prevention & treatment of chronic diseases
  • Strengthening engagement in care
  • Making care affordable
  • Working with communities to promote healthy living

The graph below shows the national median for all of the State Health System Performance Measures. State-specific performance in the following areas can be found by clicking the domain links to the left. In some cases, states are just beginning to report these voluntary measures. Over time, more states may choose to report these measures and work to incorporate them into quality improvement programs.

A searchable format for Scorecard measures is not currently available. To download data about the state health system performance measures and other non-Scorecard measures from the Child and Adult Core Set, click here:

National Median Performance Among Reporting States


Bar chart with the values:

Metric Value
Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Postpartum Care 54%
Well-Child Visits in the First 15 Months of Life 61%
Well-Child Visits in the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Years of Life: Ages 3-6 68%
Adolescent Well-Care Visit: Ages 12-21 45%
Immunizations for Adolescents: Age 13 70%
Percentage of Eligibles Who Received Preventive Dental Services: Ages 1-20 48%
Use of Multiple Concurrent Antipsychotics in Children and Adolescents: Ages 1-17 (LOWER IS BETTER) 3%
Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness: Age 21 and Older (7 days) 38%
Follow-up after hospitalization for mental illness: age 21 and older (30 days) 60%
Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment: Age 18 and Older (Initiation Rate) 36%
Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment: Age 18 and Older (Engagement Rate) 14%
Controlling High Blood Pressure: Ages 18-85 55%
PQI 01: Diabetes Short-Term Complications Admission Rate: Age 18 and Older (LOWER IS BETTER) 19 per 100,000 beneficiary months
Getting care quickly composite (Usually or Always) 83%
Getting needed care composite (Usually or Always) 78%

Source: 2016 Child and Adult Health Care Quality Measures

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