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United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

Profile image of Scretary of Defense Ash Carter.

Carter Unveils New DoD Cyber Strategy in Silicon Valley

Defense Secretary Ash Carter unveiled the Defense Department's second cyber strategy to guide the development of DoD's cyber forces and to strengthen its cyber defenses and its posture on cyber deterrence. Story

Carter Visits Silicon Valley Companies to Enhance DoD Technology Innovation

Defense Secretary Ash Carter yesterday wrapped up a two-day trip to California’s Silicon Valley, where he focused on renewing the longstanding relationship between the Defense Department and the wellspring of technology innovation found in that part of the nation. Story

Carter Seeks Tech-sector Partnerships During Two-day California Trip

Defense Secretary Ash Carter unveiled DoD's cyber strategy and announced new partnership initiatives on the first day of a visit to California's Silicon Valley to learn from experts who run some of the highest-tech companies in one of the nation's innovation hotspots. Story

Secretary's Silicon Valley Trip to Boost Defense Department Innovation

Defense Secretary Ash Carter heads to Silicon Valley to announce new initiatives, including a new cyber strategy, and to learn from experts who run some of the highest-tech companies in one of the nation's innovation hotspots.Story

Travel Locations

Map of Carter's Trip Clickable map-pin for California.


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Screen grab of Carter at a podium.

Carter Discusses Cyber Strategy, Innovation at Stanford University

Photo Essay

Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit Amet Consectetur

Carter Delivers Lecture, Unveils Cyber Strategy at Stanford University

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About the Sectretary

Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit Amet Consectetur Ash Carter is the 25th secretary of defense. He previously served as deputy defense secretary and as undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. Carter has received the Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal five times and the Defense Intelligence Medal. Biography

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