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August 2017
Travels with Jim Mattis, Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis traveled to Jordan, Iraq, Turkey and Ukraine to reaffirm the U.S. commitment to strategic partnerships, discuss the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and bolster America's commitment to NATO partnerships.


Mattis, Ukrainian President Conduct News Conference

Mattis, Townsend, McGurk Brief Reporters in Iraq

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Secretary Pledges Support in Meetings With Leaders in Ukraine

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis pledged continued U.S. support to build the capacity of Ukraine's forces and applauded Ukraine's commitment to modernizing its defense sector according to NATO standards in meetings with two of the country's top leaders in Ukraine's capital of Kyiv. Story

U.S., Ukraine Continue to Build Lasting Strategic Partnership, Secretary Says

The United States and Ukraine are cultivating a lasting strategic partnership built on common security interests and shared principles, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said from Kyiv, Ukraine. Story

Mattis Meets With Senior Turkish Leaders in Ankara

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli in Ankara, Turkey’s capital city. Story

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Secretary Jim Mattis ABOUT THE SECRETARY

Jim Mattis became the 26th defense secretary Jan. 20, 2017. During more than four decades in uniform, he commanded Marines at all levels, including in combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a joint force commander, he commanded U.S. Joint Forces Command, NATO's Supreme Allied Command for Transformation and U.S. Central Command.