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Flag of Norway. Flag of United Kingdom.
September 2016
Travels with Carter - U.S. Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Ash Carter traveled to the United Kingdom and Norway to meet with leaders from the two longstanding allies.

About the Secretary

Profile photo of Defense Secretary Ash Carter Ash Carter is the 25th secretary of defense. He previously served as deputy defense secretary and as undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. Carter has received the Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal five times and the Defense Intelligence Medal. Biography


Carter Salutes Norway as Strong, Indispensable Security Partner

Norway is a strong, indispensable U.S. security partner bilaterally, within NATO, in the North Atlantic and Arctic, in Afghanistan and as part of the campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said during a press conference in Norway. Story

U.S.-U.K. Cyber Agreement Opens Doors For Both Nations

Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his British counterpart Michael Fallon signed a first-of-its kind agreement to together advance offensive and defensive cyber capabilities, Carter said in a joint press conference in London as part of his three-day trip to the United Kingdom and Norway. Story

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Travel Locations

Map of Carter travel locations: United Kingdom, Norway.

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