Office of Research & Development

VA ORD Videos Archive

Click to watch the 85 Years of Research video

85 years of VA Research & Development

Watch this story of the history of VA research, and see the amazing discoveries that make Veterans' lives better every day. - 05/19/10

(8:01 min)

Click to watch the Research and Development Overview video

Research & Development Overview

This video gives an overview of VA's medical research and development program, highlighting the various achievements of the program and explaining why the program is important. - 04/23/09

(5:43 min)

Click to watch the video: Million Veteran Program: A partnership with Veterans

VA's Million Veteran Program Targets Mental Health Issues and Many Others

The VA Research Million Veteran Program aims to enroll as many as one million volunteer Veteran research participants to study the link between genetics and health. At the Washington, DC, VA Medical Center, they're taking this journey one Veteran at a time. - 06/05/14
(5:22 min)
TRACTS video

TRACTS: VA Research explores unique issues of Veterans with both TBI and PTSD

VA researchers in Boston are examining the links between mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder that occur conjointly in Veterans returning from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. The hope is to get a better evidence-based treatment for this type of Veteran population. - 04/03/12
(7 min)

Click to watch the Cancer Research video

Cancer Research

This video shows a new way that doctors are treating Veterans for colon cancer using a special blue dye to detect flat lesions. It also highlights the work of Nobel Laureate Andrew Schally, who is working to cure cancer without using chemotherapy. - 04/23/09

(3:57 min)

Click to watch the Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Research video

Cardiovascular Disease & Stroke Research

In Baltimore, VA Researchers are using robots and treadmills to help Veterans who have experiences a stroke regain their mobility. - 04/23/09

(5:04 min)

Click to watch the Diabetes Research video

Diabetes Research

This video highlights the various research being done at VA Hospitals to help the large number of Veterans with diabetes. - 04/23/09

(4:51 min)

Click to watch the Genomics Research video

Genomics Research

Since the human genome was mapped, VA has been a leader in researching genomics medicine to try to make medical care in the VA system truly personalized. - 04/23/09

(3:23 min)

Click to watch the Health Equity Research video

Health Equity

VA research has shown that some groups of people have different access to health care than other groups. VA is currently studying what disparities exist and how to fix those disparities. This video highlights two programs aimed at mental health treatment and weight loss. - 04/23/09

(5:26 min)

Click to watch the Hearing Loss Research video

Hearing Loss Research

Many Veterans experience some form of hearing loss or tinnitus. This video highlights VA research programs focused on hearing. - 04/23/09

(3:58 min)

Click to watch the Pain Management video

Pain Management

This video highlights VA research programs focused on pain management. - 04/23/09

(3:47 min)

Click to watch the Parkinson's Disease Research video

Parkinson's Disease Research

This video shows how deep brain stimulation surgery helped a doctor regain some of his mobility that was lost due to Parkinson's Disease. It shows how the surgery has helped him to lead a much more independent life. - 04/23/09

(3:13 min)

Click to watch the PTSD Research video

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is very common among Veterans. The Department of Veterans' Affairs is conducting research programs to treat Veterans with PTSD, including using long-term exposure therapy and virtual reality therapy. - 04/23/09

(4:48 min)

Click to watch the Prosthetics Research video

Prosthetics Research

This video shows Veterans who have receives prosthetic devices and are able to regain independence, due to research done by VA doctors. - 04/23/09

(3:36 min)

Click to watch the SCI Research video /td>

Spinal Cord Injury Research

VA has many research programs helping Veterans with spinal cord injuries. One of those programs is a Vocational Rehabilitation Program, designed to help vets with SCI go back to work. - 04/23/09

(4:03 min)

Click to watch the TBI Research video

Traumatic Brain Injury

This video shows how Kara Wooten used the VA Medical System to restore her vision after being exposed to several IEDs in Iraq. It highlights the various research programs being conducted at VA Hospitals to help Veterans with traumatic brain injury or TBI. - 04/23/09
(5:18 min)

Click to watch the Vision Loss Research video

Vision Loss Research

Macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa are two very common eye diseases. VA researchers are currently helping Veterans restore their vision through various therapies and prosthetic devices. - 04/23/09

(3:07 min)

Click to watch the Women's Health Research video

Women's Health

VA has an entire Women's Health system devoted to women Veterans. With the new generation of Veterans coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan, VA is taking the time to develop new clinics to meet the specific needs of female Veterans. - 04/23/09

(3:44 min)

Click to watch the video, A Talk with Ann Bonham, PhD

A Talk with Ann Bonham, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer
Association of American Medical Colleges - 06/20/13
(3:55 min)

Click to watch the video, A Talk with Darrell Kirch, M.D.

A Talk with Darrell G. Kirch, M.D.

President and CEO
Association of American Medical Colleges - 06/07/13
(3:26 min)

Click to watch the video, A Talk with Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg

A Talk with Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg

President, Institute of Medicine
National Academy of Sciences - (06/07/13)
(3:10 min)

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