HomeDisability Chartbook



Chapter 1: Applications

Chart 1: Disability Insurance Applications –1975 to 2014

Chart 2: SSI Disability Applications –1975 to 2015

Chart 3: Number of Workers Insured for Disability Benefits, by Sex –1970 to 2016

Chart 4: Percent of Workers Insured for Disability Benefits, by Sex – 1970 to 2016

Chart 5: Disability Insurance Application Rates as a Percentage of State Population, Ages 18 to 64

Chart 6: SSI Adult Disability Application Rates as a Percentage of State Population, Ages 18 to 64

Chart 7: SSI Child Disability Application Rates as a Percentage of State Population Under Age 18

Chart 8: SSI Applications as a Percentage of Population in Poverty, by Age Group – 1974 to 2014


Chapter 2: Allowances

Chart 1: Combined DI and SSI Allowance Rates by Level of Adjudication – Fiscal Years 1986 to 2016

Chart 2: State Agency Allowance Rates by Program – Fiscal Years 1990 to 2016

Chart 3: Hearing Decision Allowance Rates by Program – Fiscal Years 1990 to 2014

Chart 4: Number of Disability Awards by Program – 1975 to 2014

Chart 5: Percent Difference Between Actual DI Expenditures and Estimates in Prior Year’s Trustees Report – 1993 to 2015

Chart 6: Incidence Rates for DI Worker Benefits – 1980 to 2015

Chart 7: Outcomes of Disability Claims Filed in 2008, by Adjudication Level Reached


Chapter 3: Continuing Disability Reviews

Chart 1: Number of CDRs Processed – Fiscal Years 1990 to 2016

Chart 2: Medical CDR Continuation Rates, by Decision Level – Fiscal Years 1993 to 2013

Chart 3: Medical CDR Continuation Rates for SSI Children, by Decision Level – Fiscal Years 1993 to 2013

Chart 4: Ten Year Estimated Federal Savings by Program from Initial CDR Cessations in Fiscal Year 2013


Chapter 4: Terminations

Chart 1: Number of DI Worker Terminations by Category – 1985 to 2014

Chart 2: DI Worker Terminations Rate by Category – 1985 to 2014

Chart 3: Disabled Worker Beneficiaries Terminated for Work in 2015, by Sex and Age Group

Chart 4: Beneficiaries Awarded DI Benefits in 1996 and Their Experiences with Returning to Work During the Next 10 Years

Chapter 5: Beneficiaries

Chart 1: DI and SSI Beneficiaries – 1980 to 2040 (Projected)

Chart 2: DI Worker Beneficiaries as a Percentage of Population Insured, by Sex – 1975 to 2015

Chart 3: SSI Beneficiaries as a Percentage of Population, by Age Group – 1980 to 2015

Chart 4: Disabled Worker Beneficiaries as a Percentage of State Population, Ages 18 to 64 (Map)

Chart 5: Disabled Worker Beneficiaries as a Percentage of State Population, Ages 18 to 64 (Bar Graph)

Chart 6: SSI Disabled Adult Recipients as a Percentage of State Population Under 125% of the Poverty Level – 2014 (Map)

Chart 7: SSI Disabled Adult Recipients as a Percentage of State Population Under 125% of the Poverty Level – 2014 (Bar Graph)

Chart 8: SSI Child Recipients as a Percentage of State Population Under 18 and Under 125% of the Poverty Level – 2014 (Map)

Chart 9: SSI Child Recipients as a Percentage of State Population Under 18 and Under 125% of the Poverty Level – 2014 (Bar Graph)

Chart 10: Expected Time on DI Rolls – Selected Years


Chapter 6: Beneficiary Characteristics

Chart 1: Initial DI Worker Awards by Major Cause of Disability – 1975 to 2013

Chart 2: Number and Percentage of Beneficiaries, by Type of Impairment and Program – December 2014

Chart 3: DI and SSI Beneficiaries with Diagnosis of Mental Impairment – 1986 to 2014

Chart 4: Share of DI Worker Beneficiaries by Age Group - 1984 to 2013

Chart 5: Share of SSI Disabled Beneficiaries by Age Group – 1974 to 2014

Chart 6: Average Age of Newly Awarded DI and SSI Disabled Adult Beneficiaries – 1970 to 2010

Chart 7: Number of DI Worker Beneficiaries, by Sex – 1970 to 2014

Chart 8: Percentage of US Population Receiving DI Worker Benefits, by Sex and Age Group – 2014

Chart 9: Number of SSI Disabled Adult and Child Recipients, by Sex – 1993 to 2014

Chart 10: Average Monthly DI Worker Benefit and Annual SSI Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) – 1974 to 2014


Chapter 7: Variation in DDS Decision Making

Chart 1: Ranges of State Agency Initial Allowance Rates – Fiscal Years 1980 to 2010

Chart 2: State Agency Initial Allowance Rates, by Program – Fiscal Years 1985 and 2014

Chart 3: State Agency DI Awards by Basis for Decision – Fiscal Years 1975 to 2013

Chart 4: State Variation in Basis for DI Initial Awards – Fiscal Year 2013

Chart 5: State Agency DI Initial Denials by Basis for Decision – Fiscal Years 1975 to 2013

Chart 6: Percentage of Initial Denials for Non-Severe Impairment, by State – Fiscal Year 2013

Chart 7: Percentage of Initial Denials for Ability to Perform Usual Work, by State – Fiscal Year 2013

Chart 8: Percentage of Initial Denials for Ability to Perform Other Work, by State – Fiscal Year 2013

Chart 9: Percentage of Initial Level Claims with Consultative Examinations, by State – Fiscal Year 2014


Chapter 8: State Administrative Arrangements

Chart 1: Salary Range for State Agency Disability Examiners – Fiscal Year 2014

Chart 2: Attrition Rate for State Agency Full Time Examiners – Fiscal Year 2014


Chapter 9: Hearings and Appeals

Chart 1: Disability Claims Hearing Level Workloads – Fiscal Years 1986 to 2014

Chart 2: Disability Case Hearing Level Dispositions and Administrative Law Judges on Duty – Fiscal Years 1986 to 2014

Chart 3: Disability Allowance Rates at Initial and Hearing Levels, by State – Fiscal Year 2014

Chart 4: Distribution of Administrative Law Judges by Number of Cases Decided – Fiscal Years 2002 to 2016

Chart 5: Distribution of Administrative Law Judges by Allowance Rates – Fiscal Years 2002 to 2016

Chart 6: Medical and Vocational Expert Participation in Hearings – Fiscal Years 1977 to 2014

Chart 7: Percentage of Disability Claimants with Representation at the Hearing Level – Fiscal Years 1977 to 2014

Chart 8: Appeals Council Workloads – Fiscal Year 2014

Chart 9: Appeals Council Outcomes – Fiscal Years 1975 to 2014

Chart 10: Appeals Council Requests for Review – Fiscal Years 1995 to 2014


Chapter 10: Processing Times

Chart 1: Average Processing Time for Initial Disability Claims, by Program – Fiscal Years 1991 to 2015

Chart 2: Disability Applications Pending in State Agencies at Year End – Fiscal Years 1989 to 2015

Chart 3: Average Hearing Level Processing Time – Fiscal Years 1990 to 2014

Chart 4: Disability Cases Pending in Hearing Offices at Year End – Fiscal Years 1990 to 2014

Chart 5: Appeals Council Disability Case Processing Times – Fiscal Years 1993 to 2014


Chapter 11: Federal Courts

Chart 1: New Disability Cases Brought to Federal District Courts, by Program – Fiscal Years 1993 to 2015

Chart 2: Federal District Court Actions on Disability Cases – Fiscal Years 1995 to 2013

Chart 3: Social Security Cases Commenced and Terminated in U.S. Courts of Appeals – Fiscal Years 1997 to 2015