Importing Irish Potatoes

Imports of red skinned, round type or long type potatoes exceeding 500 lbs. in the aggregate and imports of all other round type potatoes exceeding 2,000 lbs. in the aggregate imported into the United States must meet the minimum potato grade, size, and maturity requirements prior to importation.

Summary of Potato Import Requirements (pdf)

Canadian Inspection

The potato import regulations identify the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as a governmental inspection service for the purpose of certifying the grade, size, quality and maturity of potatoes imported, or to be imported, into the United States. These import regulations are currently being amended to require Canadian exporters of potatoes into the United States to enter the CFIA certificate number and an electronic image of the CFIA certificate into Customs and Border Patrol’s International Trade Data System, which will transmit said certificate number and image to MOAD.

Canadian Imports Requirements

Potatoes inspected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency which meet the requirements of Canada No. 1 grade and Canada No. 2 grade shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of the U.S. No. 1 grade and U.S. No. 2 grade, respectively, and the tolerances for size, as set forth in the U.S. Standards for Grades of Potatoes.

Specific Exemptions

The Importer's Exempt Commodity Form (SC-6) is used for potatoes imported for use the consumption in exempted outlets such as canning , freezing, other processing, livestock feed, charity or relief.  “Other Processing” does not include potatoes that are only peeled, cooled, sliced, diced, or treated to prevent oxidation, or made into fresh potato salad.

The SC-6 exemption form must now be filed through the Compliance and Enforcement Management System (CEMS). The MOLS system previously utilized by AMS has been transitioned to CEMS. Visit Section 8e Exemptions – SC-6 Certificate for further information on the new CEMS and SC-6 Certificates. Also, visit Filing a SC-6 Certificate in CEMS for directions for registering for CEMS and instructions on filing a SC-6 Certificate.


Potato importers should arrange for inspection and certification as set forth in the import regulations.