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Public Education Projects

Below is a list of some of NIDA's public education projects in order by campaign start date (newest on top).

Lesson Plan and Activity Finder

Lesson Plan and Activity Finder

Free lessons and other classroom activities based on national standards.



NIDA TV is a video library system on the drugabuse.gov website, www.drugabuse.gov/nida-tv which delivers NIDA's current science-based information in a consolidated location.


PEERx - NIDA for Teens

PEERx is a free, online initiative designed to educate teens in grades 8-10 on the dangers of prescription drug abuse. The campaign includes an interactive video series, activity guides, fact sheets, downloadables, and more.


USA Science & Engineering Festival

The USA Science & Engineering Festival began in 2010. It is the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering, and math in the United States. The festival takes place every other year with the mission "to stimulate and sustain the interest of our nation’s youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) by producing and presenting the most compelling, exciting, and educational Festival in the world."

NDAFW logo

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) is a health observance week for teens that aims to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drug and alcohol use.

Drugs & Health Blog

Drugs & Health Blog

The Drugs & Health Blog is a place where teens can learn the facts about drug abuse and addiction based on evidence-based science, and without fear or stigma. Teens use the blog to find information for school projects, to offer their opinions, and to engage with NIDA scientists about Institute campaigns, programs and materials.

Addiction Science Award logo

The NIDA Science Fair Award for Addiction Science

Part of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world's largest science competition for high school students, the Addiction Science Award is given by NIDA to three exemplary projects on the topic of addiction science.

National Drugs & Alcohol Chat Day logo

Drugs & Alcohol Chat Day

Each fall, Drugs & Alcohol Chat Day provides students the opportunity to ask leading researchers questions about drug and alcohol use, abuse, and addiction, as well as the associated health effects and risks.

HBO Addiction banner

HBO Addiction Project

Produced by HBO in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Addiction Project combines film and leading scientific research to shed light on the current state of addiction in America.

Learn the Link - Send the msg

Learn the Link - Drugs and HIV

This TV PSA campaign uses text messaging as a storytelling vehicle to educate teens on the link between non-injection drug misuse and risky behaviors, which can lead to HIV. Includes a bilingual PSA aimed at Hispanic teens.

Screen shot of Heads up web site

NIDA and Scholastic - Heads Up

Heads Up: Real New About Drugs and Your Body—a science-based education series that provides teachers and students innovative materials about the effects of drugs and drug use on the brain and body.  New materials, including teen articles, classroom lessons, and student worksheets are created and distributed every school year through Scholastic’s in school magazines, as well as posters and Web-only materials