
Bison (Source: USDA)Livestock production alternatives provide farmers with a wide variety of options, from raising unusual animals to utilizing pasture-based systems to developing value-added animal products. See also:
Great Places to Find Information About Farming Alternatives

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Looking to diversify your farming business? These government programs, universities and organizations offer resources and information contacts that can help you research alternative farming opportunities and develop business and marketing plans.

Pastured Livestock: Online Searches


Select a link to conduct a Google search on the alternative livestock production topics:

Forage Information System

Oregon State University. Department of Crop and Soil Science.

Clearinghouse for forage-related resources including Extension, research and teaching information about animals, cover crops, economics, hay, pasture, silage, species, organizations, classes, equipment vendors and more.

Commodities and Products: Livestock

Agricultural Marketing Resource Center.

National resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture. Includes detailed information on developing and producing specialized dairy products, wool and processed meats; how to get started; business structure options; and information on writing feasibility, marketing and business plans.

Livestock and Pasture

National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.

Dozens of full-text publications and Web links from ATTRA. Topics include Beef and Dairy; Hogs, Sheep, and Goats; Poultry; Grass Farming; and Livestock Fencing and Watering Systems.

Dairy Cattle & Dairy Farming

USDA. ARS. National Agricultural Library.

Identifies information, research and other resources about dairy cattle and dairy farming, including forage, nutritional requirements, and animal health and nutrition.

Beef Cattle & Meat Production

USDA. ARS. National Agricultural Library.

Identifies information, research and other resources about beef cattle and meat production, including grass-based meat production.

Poultry and Poultry Production

USDA. ARS. National Agricultural Library.

Identifies information, research and other resources about poultry, including organic production, raising pastured poultry, poultry diseases, and management and marketing.

Sheep, Goats and Small Ruminants

USDA. ARS. National Agricultural Library.

Identifies information, research and other resources about goats and sheep, including production, management and marketing.


USDA. ARS. National Agricultural Library.

Identifies resources about pork production including pasture-based methods, hoop structures, health and welfare, and the evolution of pork production in the United States.
