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Performance Framework

Strategic Objectives

Updated and revised every four years, Strategic Objectives reflect the outcome or management impacts the agency is trying to achieve over the term of an Administration. They express the results or direction the agency will work to achieve to make progress on its mission. Strategic Objectives advance the long-term outcomes identified in the Agency Strategic Plan, and are supported by more specific performance goals and indicators. Annually, agency leaders review progress being made on each of its strategic objectives in the Agency Strategic Plan by conducting a Strategic Review. An annual assessment that synthesizes available performance information and other evidence, the Strategic Reviews are designed to inform budget, legislative, and management decisions.

Concurrent with the release of the President's FY 2019 Budget, Federal agencies established new strategic objectives spanning 2018 thru 2022.

Agency Strategic Plans and strategic objectives can be found by navigating to each agency’s homepage through the agency dropdown in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Click below to View Agency Strategic Plans and Objectives