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Our People & Organization Support Functions

Diversity & Inclusion

At OPM, we understand the importance of having a diverse workforce. It is our goal that OPM reflect the image of America in all of our program areas and throughout our workforce, including our supervisory, management, and executive leadership positions.

We are actively involved in promoting a diverse work environment. We assist with OPM's recruitment and staffing objectives. We promote diversity and inclusion through internal discussions, meetings, and written instruction. We are ever vigilant to recognize shortfalls and recommend solutions to those challenges. We know that the most successful organizations in America are ones that promote diversity throughout their workforce, and our goal is to make sure that OPM does the same.

General Contact Information

Mailing Address
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415
Business Hours
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Monday thru Friday

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** Visiting the Federal Relay Service website will provide access to additional Toll-Free and Toll Access Numbers.

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