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PHMSA NTSB Recommendations

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is required by law to respond to safety recommendations issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), an independent federal agency charged by Congress with investigating transportation incidents. Recommendations usually address a specific issue uncovered during an investigation or study and specify how to correct the situation.

Open Recommendations

The NTSB classifications for open recommendations:

OAA - Open Acceptable Action
OAAR - Open Acceptable Alternate Response
OUA - Open Unacceptable Response
ORR - Open Response Received
OAR - Open Await Response
IRR - Initial Response Received 


A - Air
H - Highway
P - Pipeline
R - Rail

Currently Open Recommendations

PHMSA NTSB Safety Recommendations
Recommendation NumberDescriptionIssue Date
H-04-023 Nurse Tank Inspections; OUAJuly 1, 2004
R-07-004 Immediate Notification to Emergency Responders; OAAApril 24, 2007
A-08-001 Lithium Batteries; OAAJan 7, 2008
A-08-002 Lithium Batteries; OAAJan 7, 2008
H-11-005 Cargo Tank Performance Standards; OAASeptember 2, 2011
H-11-006 Cargo Tank Performance Standards; OAASeptember 2, 2011
P-11-009 PG&E Rupture - Immediate 911 Notifications; OAASep 26, 2011
P-11-010 PG&E Rupture - Equipping SCADA Systems; OAASep 26, 2011
P-11-011 PG&E Rupture - Installing ACVs or RCVs; OAASep 26, 2011
P-11-014 PG&E Rupture - Eliminating Grandfather Clause; OAASep 26, 2011
P-11-015 PG&E Rupture - Post-Construction Hydrostatic Pressure Test; OAASep 26, 2011
P-12-003 Enbridge - Engineering Assessment of Cracks; OAAJul 25, 2012
P-12-004 Revising the "discovery of condition"; OAAJul 25, 2012
R-12-007 Adoption of American Association of Railroads (AAR) center sill or draft sill attachment designs; OAAMarch 2, 2012
P-14-001Sissonville – Add Principal Roadways to HCA Requirements; OUAMarch 5, 2014
R-14-005 Comprehensive Response Plan Threshold; OAAJanuary 23, 2014
R-14-006 Shipper Testing and Documentation for Hazmat Classification; OUAJanuary 23, 2014
R-14-014 Commodity Flow Data and Emergency Response Plan Development; OUAAugust 22, 2014
R-14-019 Public Education for Communities along Railroad Hazmat Routes; OAARAugust 22, 2014
R-15-016 Milestone Schedule for Retrofit of DOT-111 and CPC-1232 Tank Cars; OUAApril 3, 2015
P-15-004Increase positional accuracy of pipeline details in National Pipeline Mapping System; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-005Revise National Pipeline Mapping System to include high consequence area identification; OAAFebruary 10, 2015February 10, 2015
P-15-010Update guidance for gas transmission pipeline operators; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-011Develop and implement risk assessment training; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-012Evaluate safety benefits of risk assessment approaches; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-013Update guidance for gas transmission pipeline operators on risk assessment approaches; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-015Revise Form 7100.1; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-016Revise Form 7100.2; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-017Evaluate relationship between incident occurences; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-018Require all natural gas transmission pipelines be capable of inline inspection; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-020Identify all opeartional complications limiting use of in-line inspection tools; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-021Develop and implement plan for eliminating direct assessment; OUAFebruary 10, 2015
P-15-022Develop and implement plan to improve data integration; OAAFebruary 10, 2015
A-16-001Maximum Loading Densities for Lithium Batteries or Class 3 Flammable Liquids; OAAFebruary 09, 2016
A-16-002Segregation of Lithium Batteries from Class 3 flammable liquids; OAAFebruary 09, 2016
P-17-001Work with pipeline trade and standards organizations to modify pipeline dent acceptance; OAAJune 15, 2017
P-17-002Require operators to either (a) repair all excavated dent defects or (b) install a local leak detection system; OUAJune 15, 2017
R-17-001Evaluate risks posed to train review re: separation distance; OAAMarch 9, 2017
R-17-002Withdraw regulatory interpretation for positioning placarded rail cars; OAAMarch 9, 2017
R-17-005Study increased derailment risks; OAAJune 29, 2017
R-17-006With FRA develop specific guidance for railroads; OAAJune 29, 2017
H-18-003With FMCSA, develop and implement process to ensure cargo tank inspectors able to verify safety; IRRJanuary 30, 2018
H-18-004With FMCSA incorporate by reference registered inspector training requirements for cargo tanks inspectors; IRR.January 30, 2018
H-18-005With FMCSA permit suspension or revocation of registration of highway cargo tank inspectors; IRR.January 30, 2018
P-18-001Work with state pipeline regulators to incorporate into their inspection programs, a review to ensure that gas distribution pipeline operators are using best practices recommended by the manufacturer in their distribution integrity management programs, including using the specified tools and methods, to correctly install PermaLock mechanical tapping tee assemblies. IRRJune 25, 2018
P-18-002Reference the use of external sources of information for threat identification in your frequently asked questions for preparation of distribution integrity management programs. IRRJune 25, 2018
Updated: Tuesday, September 11, 2018