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Major Components of the NEPA Review Process

This page contains the Major Components of the NEPA Review Process.

STATEX - Stautory Exclusion

STATEX applies to those specific actions undertaken by FEMA that are excluded by statue from NEPA review and documentation. These are usually emergency type actions, such as debris removal or restoring a building or a bridge to its pre-disaster condition that are typically funded through the Response and Recovery Division. Even though NEPA review and documentation is not required, these projects must comply with other environmental laws and executive orders. The actions that are statutorily excluded are listed in Sections 402, 403, 406, 407, and 502 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.

CATEX – Categorical Exclusion

CATEX applies to those specific actions undertaken by FEMA that have been found to typically not result in significant impacts upon the environment and are therefore excluded from the preparation of an environmental assessment or impact statement by category. Actions that are CATEXed require consideration of environmental laws and executive orders and these considerations must be documented. Projects that are CATEXed must also undergo consideration of extraordinary environmental circumstances. FEMA's Categorical Exclusions are listed in Appendix A of DHS Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev 01.

Environmental Assessment

Projects that cannot be STATEXed or CATEXed, must have an Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared for them. An EA is a concise public document that serves to provide sufficient evidence and analysis regarding the significance of environmental impacts of a proposed action and alternatives to aid in the decision making process. An EA is concluded with either; (1) a Finding Of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) or; (2) a Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Environmental Impact Statement

An EIS is a detailed analysis and evaluation of all of the impacts of the proposed project and all reasonable alternatives. This document usually provides more detailed and rigorous analysis than an EA and provides for formal public involvement. An EIS concluded with a decision document, the Record of Decision (ROD) that provides for an explanation of the reasons for selecting a particular action and environmental mitigation associated with that action.

Last Updated: 
08/17/2016 - 08:25