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Ending Veteran Homelessness
A National & Regional Resources e-Library for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon & Washington State

Every group that is homeless needs our concern and support. We should not have homeless families, unaccompanied homeless children, homeless adults. But one group that has a special claim ot our attention are our veterans. These folks have dedicated some or all of their lives to our well being, and yet in January, 2014 we had more than 3,000 homeless veterans in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington State.

These men and women have worn our nation's uniform, sworn an oath to defend us and our homeland and, often, found themselves in harm's way. But they have no place to call home. The fact that they don't, says First Lady Michelle Obama, is a "stain" on America and, with President Obama, has challenged all Americans to end veteran homelessness. At HUD we are answering that call.

The Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness

Launched by First Lady Michelle Obama at a White House ceremony in August 2014, the Mayors Challenge to End Homelessness marshals the resources of HUD, Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness and national organizations like the National League of Cities to support the day-to-day efforts of Mayors and local governments who are on the ground, know the challenges homeless veterans face and know what solutions work in their communities.

Among those most in the best position to efficiently and effectively accomplish that goal are Mayors and County Executives, Members of City and County Councils and City Managers. And hundreds of them in communities large and small across the country have stepped forward to help, committing their jurisdictions and governments to the Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness.

We hope you will join us in these efforts. The links that follow will provide you with many of the tools and resources necessary to end veteran homelessness in your community.