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Get Free Web Content from NIDDK

Create a free account at the HHS Syndication Storefront, Search for NIDDK health topics, add the code to your website.

NIDDK offers a free and easy way for you to get trusted, up-to-date content for your website.

It’s simple to get access!

  1. Create a free account at the HHS Syndication Storefront.
  2. Sign in, search, and choose your NIDDK health topics.
  3. Add the code to your site; information will update on your site automatically in real time.

Step by step instructions are available on NIH’s website.

Didn’t find a topic you were looking for? Need assistance?

NIDDK offers content on diabetes, digestive diseases, kidney disease, weight management, endocrine diseases, liver disease, diet and nutrition, urologic diseases, and blood diseases as well as Healthy Moments YouTube videos associated with many of these diseases and conditions in the Storefront. Many of our syndicated pages are also available in Spanish. Please Contact Us if you have a specific content request or have any feedback.

NIDDK Uses Plain Language

Health information from the NIDDK is

  • Informed by research
  • Reviewed by NIDDK scientists and other experts
  • Provided for free.

Because health-related terms and concepts can be hard to understand for many people, the NIDDK works to create materials in plain language that help people

  • find
  • understand, and
  • use1

this valuable, accessible health information for the public.

The NIDDK uses the following plain language elements in developing content for the public:

  • Organization. Renders content for the reader that
    • Provides at least one clear take-away message
    • Puts the main message first
    • Answers questions the reader often has
  • Content. Uses an easy-to-read style that
    • Uses familiar, nontechnical words
    • Keeps sentences and paragraphs short
    • Uses sentences that focus on one idea
  • Layout and Design. Makes it easy to find and read content because they
    • Use headings written as questions, sentences, or phrases
    • Include visuals that help the reader understand the content
    • Use fonts and white space to improve readability

For more information, see the Federal Plain Language Guidelines.

1 What is Plain Language?


This content is provided as a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health. The NIDDK translates and disseminates research findings through its clearinghouses and education programs to increase knowledge and understanding about health and disease among patients, health professionals, and the public. Content produced by the NIDDK is carefully reviewed by NIDDK scientists and other experts.