Cooperative Purchasing

The Cooperative Purchasing Program allows state, local, and tribal governments to purchase IT, security, and law enforcement products and services offered through specific Schedule contracts. Cooperative Purchasing allows eligible entities to purchase from approved industry partners, at any time, for any reason, using any funds available.

40 U.S.C § 502 (c) offers the following definition of state or local government:

"The term, 'State or local government' includes any State, local, regional, or tribal government, or any instrumentality thereof (including any local educational agency or institution of higher education)." Educational Institutions include:

  • Local elementary, middle, and high schools operated by public school boards;
  • Charter school programs that are chartered and operated by local school authorities and provide free public education;
  • Public or non-profit nationally accredited or recognized colleges; and
  • Universities that provide at least a two-year program that offers a degree or offers credit toward such a degree.

The term does not include contractors or grantees of state or local governments.

If you have a question about eligibility, submit an eligibility request. We will issue a formal determination on behalf of the requesting entity that clearly outlines access to GSA sources of supply. Entities that clearly fall under the definition of state and local government do NOT need to request an eligibility determination.

Access to Schedules for non-federal buyers is authorized under law.

Schedule contracts open under Cooperative Purchasing include the following:

  • Schedule 70 - IT products, services, and solutions.
    • Mobile device and mobile application management (MDM/MAM) tools,
    • Automated data processing equipment (firmware),
    • Software,
    • Cloud computing services,
    • Hardware,
    • Support equipment, and
    • Professional IT services.
  • Schedule 84 - Law enforcement and security products, services, and solutions.
    • Security and law enforcement equipment,
    • Alarm and signal systems,
    • Facility management systems,
    • Firefighting and rescue equipment,
    • Law enforcement and security equipment,
    • Marine craft and related equipment,
    • Special purpose clothing, and
    • Related services.

Under Cooperative Purchasing, state, local, and tribal governments also have access to specific Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs). BPAs deliver cost savings and buying efficiencies.

BPAs currently available under Cooperative Purchasing include:

  • FSSI Wireless BPAs with wireless service plans and phones available at no additional cost.


To receive the best value from Schedule contractors, GSA recommends eligible buying entities follow federal Schedule ordering procedures to receive best value (GSAR 552.238-79 (h)). However, following federal ordering guidelines is not mandated. State and local buyers must follow the competitive procedures outlined by their state and local regulations and procedures.

If grant money is being used, state and local buyers must follow the ordering and competitive procedures that meet their local procurement regulations and the regulations and procedures outlined by the granting agency.

Include the Schedule contract number on your order to confirm your intent to buy through Schedule.

Terms and Conditions

The flow down of GSA terms and conditions is outlined by GSAR Clause 552.238-79(a)(3).

In general, when state or local governments place orders, all terms and conditions of the contractor’s Schedule flow down to the order level, except the following;

Buyers may add additional terms and conditions or enhancements to Schedule terms and conditions as long as they do not conflict with the base-level Schedule terms and conditions.

Order Acceptance

Participation in the Cooperative Purchasing Program is voluntary. Our suite of e-Tools allows buyers to quickly conduct market research, place electronic requests for quotes or proposals, and place orders. Participating partners are identified by the logo COOP Logo in eLibrary and GSA Advantage!®

Schedule contractors have the option of accepting orders placed by state and local government buyers. They may decline an order, for any reason, within a five-day period after receipt of the order. However, credit card orders must be declined within 24 hours (GSAM 552.238-78).

State and local governments that want to use the Federal Supply Schedules are responsible for ensuring that only authorized representatives place orders against these Schedules.

More information is available about Schedules, buying procedures, contract features, resources, and tools.

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