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GSA SmartPay

Re-emphasizing Record Keeping Requirements
GSA SmartPay– Identifying Cost Saving Opportunities in Purchase Card Spend
GSA SmartPay–FPDS Reporting for Orders under Indefinite Delivery Vehicles At or Below the Micro-Purchase Threshold


Innovative Charge Card Products - customized carded solutions that create accounts with a set spend limit or balance or limit cardholders to pre-set or pre-loaded funds.

Cardless Accounts - Customized solutions for large ticket transactions, payments to vendors not traditionally accepting cards, and one-time supplier payments or recurring transactions with a single vendor.

Secure Chip Cards - Secure microchip technology such as contactless chip and contact chip cards, has become widely accepted internationally and domestically.

Foreign Currency Cards - Funds spent are billed and paid with local currency, thus avoiding foreign exchange fees.

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This is an official U.S. Government Web site managed by the GSA.

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