Buy Green Services

When federal purchasers hear about “green services,” they usually have one of two things in mind.

  • Services that directly address environmental issues, such as waste management or energy metering services; or
  • For purposes of the federal policy, green services include construction and service contracts where sustainable products are delivered, furnished for Government use, or furnished for Contractor use at a federally controlled facility.

Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, requires agencies to increase environmental performance. The GSA Green Procurement Compilation offers agencies guidance on how to improve performance by assessing both the direct environmental impact of their service contracts, as well as a potential vendor’s commitment to sustainable acquisition practices.

Through GSA Multiple Awards Schedules, agencies can contract with environmental services providers to plan for strategic environmental performance, manage greenhouse gases, develop sustainable buildings, manage water efficiently, maintain green fleets and transportation, prevent pollution, and reduce waste. These Schedules include:

  • Environmental Services (Professional Services Schedule: SIN 899 1, SIN 899-3, and 899 8)
    • Hire industry experts to meet agency environmental requirements in pollution prevention, HAZMAT, electronics stewardship, and other areas, including environmental consulting, environmental management training, materials and waste recycling and disposal, geographic information systems services, remediation and reclamation.
  • Facilities Maintenance and Management (Schedule 03FAC)
    • Maintain and manage greener facilities with comprehensive energy management, water conservation and support services, including building commissioning, energy audits, energy management planning and strategies, energy program support, innovations in energy, introduction of new services, metering services, resource efficiency management, training on energy management, water conservation.
  • Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue, Clothing, Marine Craft and Emergency/Disaster Response (Schedule 84)
    • Total solutions for law enforcement, security, fire, rescue, clothing, marine craft and emergency/disaster response, including facility management, facility and energy solutions including energy saving performance contracts, management systems.

Other Tools to Help Agencies Go Green

Personal Property Disposal

GSA can help federal agencies dispose of personal property that is no longer required to perform the agency's mission. Agencies declare excess property to GSA who, in turn, records, tracks and exchanges or sells the property to federal, state, or local governments, eligible organizations, and citizens, minimizing waste going into the nation’s landfills and saving taxpayers’ money.

The GSA Green Procurement Compilation is an excellent resource for determining which types of services and products are covered by sustainable acquisition requirements.

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