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OIG: Office of Inspector General
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About the OIG

Mission Statement

We conduct independent and objective audits, investigations, and other activities to promote the efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity of the Department's programs and operations.

Vision Statement

We deliver valuable products to encourage fiscal integrity and continuing improvement in program delivery and effectiveness, while also maximizing our efforts to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in the Department's programs and operations.

OIG Offices and Services
Immediate Office of the Inspector General
Audit Services
Investigation Services
Information Technology Audits and Computer Crime Investigations (ITACCI)
Management Services
About the OIG

The Federal government disburses billions of dollars each year to individuals and local, State, national, international, nonprofit, and for-profit entities. The offices of inspector general are charged with protecting the integrity of our government and are dedicated to preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse in Federal agencies, thereby improving Federal programs. The inspectors general are America’s watchdogs – the eyes, ears, and voice of the American taxpayer – who help to ensure that America’s tax dollars are used efficiently and effectively.

Each Federal agency has an Office of Inspector General (OIG) watching over agency funds and operations and we are the OIG for the U.S. Department of Education (ED). As the ED OIG, we conduct independent audits and other reviews to help ensure that ED programs are operating in accordance with established laws, regulations, and policies. Based on our findings, we make recommendations to ED to improve program efficiency, address systemic weaknesses, and initiate administrative action. We also recommend changes needed in Federal laws, regulations, and policies. OIG is also the law enforcement arm of ED, conducting criminal investigations involving fraud, embezzlement, and public corruption involving ED funds. We operate with full statutory law enforcement authority.

Since 1978, when it was part of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare and with the establishment of the independent U.S. Department of Education in 1980, OIG has been at the forefront of the fight against fraud, waste, and abuse in Federal education programs and operations, including Federal student aid, and programs authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Rehabilitative Services Act. Our staff is composed of auditors, accountants, criminal investigators, attorneys, forensic specialists, financial analysts, information technology professionals, and management and budget analysts. Our headquarters is in Washington, D.C., and we have 16 offices located across the country and in Puerto Rico.

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Last Modified: 08/09/2018