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Dec. 13, 2018

National Security Advisor Unveils Administration’s Africa Strategy

National Security Advisor John Bolton unveiled the Trump administration’s Africa strategy designed to counter Chinese influence on the continent and push African nations to show some results from the aid they receive from the United States.

Dec. 13, 2018

DOD Scaling Up Effort to Develop Hypersonics

The Defense Department is looking to step up its development of hypersonic weapons — missiles that travel more than five times faster than the speed of sound — DOD leaders said at the National Defense Industrial Association-sponsored “Hypersonics Senior Executive Series” in Washington.

Dec. 12, 2018

Artificial Intelligence Experts Address Getting Capabilities to Warfighters

Two Defense Department artificial-intelligence experts testified on Capitol Hill on DOD’s efforts to transform delivery of capabilities enabled by artificial intelligence to the nation’s warfighters.

Dec. 12, 2018

Officials Detail Steps to Improve Navy, Marine Corps Readiness

The Navy and Marine Corps have some readiness challenges, but both services are taking steps to address them, Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer and a senior Government Accountability Office official told Senators during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s sea power and readiness and management support subcommittees.

Dec. 11, 2018

Task Force Commander: ISIS Forces Degraded From Caliphate to Caves

At one time, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria controlled a self-proclaimed caliphate that stretched from Syria to Iraq, but now that force in Iraq has been degraded so much that the remnants are hiding in caves, deep wadis and tunnels in the desert and hills of western Iraq’s austere terrain.

Dec. 10, 2018

DOD Spokesman: As U.S. Provides Aid to Central, South America, Russia Sends Bombers

Medical personnel aboard the hospital ship USNS Comfort have treated more than 20,000 civilians, and performed more than 600 surgeries in several Central and South American nations, Army Col. Rob Manning, a Pentagon spokesman said.

Dec. 8, 2018

President Intends to Nominate Milley to Succeed Dunford as Chairman

In a tweet, President Donald J. Trump indicated he will nominate Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Dec. 6, 2018

Dunford Discusses Near-Peer Competition, Keeping U.S. Military Edge

Near-peer competition and the United States retaining its military competitive edge were among the issues the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff discussed today in an interview with Washington Post associate editor David Ignatius.

Dec. 5, 2018

America Bids Goodbye to President George H.W. Bush

Eulogies hailed former President George Herbert Walker Bush as both a great and a good man at a state funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral.

Dec. 5, 2018

NATO Agrees: Russia in Material Breach of INF Treaty

NATO allies agree that Russia is in material breach of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and have decided to start planning for a post-INF Treaty world, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in Brussels.

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