FIT Program

GSA’s Total Workplace Furniture & Information Technology (FIT) program fuels vigorous and deliberate optimization of the federal footprint while minimizing the upfront capital needs of our customers in right-sizing their operations.

GSA is creating a 21st century workplace across government to save money and increase productivity. GSA’s overall Total Workplace initiative provides resources and expertise to encourage federal agencies to reduce their office space, foster collaboration, better manage IT spending and increase efficiency. Ultimately, in a time of shrinking budgets, this initiative will save taxpayer dollars and allow agencies to invest more in their missions and better serve the American people.

The FIT program is one of the offerings within GSA’s Total Workplace program and is focused on transforming the federal government. At its core, Total Workplace FIT is a leasing action. Total Workplace FIT allows agencies to lease furniture over a 5-year term and lease information technology over a 3-year term, easing the burden of costs while giving agencies the furniture and technology they need to build a more efficient government.

Qualifications: Does your Project Qualify for FIT?

The FIT Program Principles

The program encourages:

  • Implementation of effective and efficient workstation standards
  • Adoption of modern workplace design practices
  • Agencies to reduce rent by consolidation and space reduction

Design Strategies

To qualify for FIT funding, certain design strategies must be considered. Four of the design criteria are mandatory; a minimum of six others should be adopted and indicated on design intent drawings.

Mandatory Requirements

  • Agencies must comply with any internal utilization rate policy developed or revised after
    2010. If one does not exist, the agency must comply with 100-150 USF for total office, and 170
    USF for the total space requirement.
  • Maximize natural light by specifying furniture panels no taller than 54”.
  • Open workstations must not exceed 50 SF.
  • Offices must not exceed 150 SF. FIT Furniture can be purchased for offices 80-150 SF.

Optional Requirements (must use a minimum of six)

  • Locate enclosed offices, meeting spaces and support centers in interior spaces.
  • Utilize glass walls instead of solid walls where appropriate.
  • Create more open, interactive, free-flowing space to encourage collaboration.
  • Analyze work patterns and job duties to determine appropriate size workstations.
  • Consider the importance of acoustics when designing an open work environment.
  • Offer a variety of reduced-noise spaces such as phone booths, quiet and focus rooms.
  • Maximize space utilization by offering desk-sharing opportunities.
  • Share all meeting spaces by utilizing an organization-wide reservation system.
  • Embrace mobility: agency offers a telework program for a minimum of one day per week.

Other Considerations

In addition to design strategies, the following will be considered in evaluating FIT project candidates.


The agency and GSA will analyze possibilities of future downsizing, mission-related closure, vacating space prematurely, terminating lease agreement prior to 5-year term, and existing furniture BPAs not awarded through IWAC/FAS. The project schedule may also affect the ability of an agency to participate in the FIT program.

Federal Space Priority and Location Consolidations

The agency will collaborate with GSA in utilizing Federal space where appropriate. The agency and GSA will identify opportunities and exercise options to consolidate/minimize multiple agency locations per OMB’s “Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations (May 11, 2012).

Leadership Commitment and Consistency

Changing the culture should start at the top. Leaders should be willing to set the example by changing their workspace to reflect the guiding principles mentioned above.

Union Agreements

Willingness to negotiate/renegotiate with agency’s labor union concerning space standards, designs concepts and mobility, especially when there’s a significant real estate and dollar savings at stake.

More About the Program and its Offerings

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