Social Media Accounts

SAMHSA uses a variety of new media accounts to most effectively reach the widest range of citizens.

Interacting with SAMHSA

The SAMHSA website is not the only way we communicate with people online. For some audiences, it is not even the most effective way for us to communicate. SAMHSA uses a variety of communication networks to reach our audience and better engage all citizens.

Comment Policy

Social media accounts thrive by actively sharing information. We appreciate your feedback, comments, and tweets. The SAMHSA comment policy encourages interaction that is focused and respectful. Following SAMHSA or passing on SAMHSA content does not imply SAMHSA endorsement.

SAMHSA New Media Accounts

Facebook Facebook

SAMHSA's Facebook page seeks to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities. Facebook comments and likes allow people to interact with SAMHSA and each other concerning public health topics.

Twitter Twitter

SAMHSA tweets about news, webinars, videos, hotlines, grants, special programs, and activities. The hashtag directory tells you which hashtags SAMHSA uses to target specific topics and audiences. Please join SAMHSA's conversations!

YouTube YouTube

SAMHSA's YouTube makes it easy to view professional videos aimed at a diverse audience. The videos inform and reassure while giving an important perspective on critical mental health and substance use topics.


SAMHSA's Flickr allows people to view, upload, share, comment, and rate images. The Flickr collection uses SAMHSA pictures and publicly submitted photos to promote and support prevention of, treatment of, and recovery from behavioral health conditions (mental health and substance abuse).

The Blog SAMHSA Blog

The SAMHSA blog is written by SAMHSA staff. Blog articles give clear, up-to-date explanations of behavioral health topics, new programs, recent reports, and current grant opportunities. Dialogue is the perfect place to discover the latest resources and share ideas with others in the health care world.

Last Updated: 11/09/2017